Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 23 May 2024


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Divine Satsanga on 20-05-2024

O Learned and Devoted Servants of God,

[Satsanga with Shri Phani, Ms. Purnima, Smt. Swathi, Ms. Rithika and Shri Nithin]

1. Swami, why was Shirdi Sai Baba defeated in boxing with a person and from that day, Baba changed the style of His dress?

Swami replied:- This kind of incident can be found in the case of God Krishna also, who ran fearing for a demon called Kaalayavana. Kaalayavana was running after Krishna and Krishna was running to avoid getting caught by Kaalayavana. Both these incidents have one common secret in their backgrounds. Such secret is that God is always the winner in any incident during any incarnation. He is bored with such continuous role. Anything continuous gives boredom. Continuous happiness gives boredom. Continuously eating sweets gives boredom. In such a case, any soul including even God, wants to taste the opposite item for a change. If you are eating sweets continuously, you like to taste the hot dish for some time. Similarly, God is bored with His roles in which He is continuously winning. Hence, God gets a desire to taste the role of a defeated runner. Hence, He enjoys the hot dish like role of a defeated runner. Since God is only one as the absolute reality, He was bored with His loneliness (Ekākī na ramate…- Veda). Hence, God created all this world with several living human beings. This world gives entertainment to Him and removes the boredom obtained by loneliness. After sometime, God is bored with this entertainment also. Hence, He destroys the creation for some time to go into loneliness. After enjoying the loneliness for some time, He will start creation again for entertainment (dhātā yathā pūrva makalpayat…- Veda). This statement in the Veda means that the same cinema show, which is withdrawn after the first show is projected again as the second show, taking some interval in between the two shows. When the first show is over, the show remains as the film reel. Similarly, when the world is destroyed, it remains in a very subtle state called Avyaktam. No foolish administrator will destroy the film reel after the first show and shoot a new film reel again for the second show. Anything continuous is boring, be it happiness or misery. The foreigners bored with their luxuries come to India to follow the difficult spiritual path. The Indians bored with the discipline of spiritual path go to foreign countries to enjoy the luxuries for some time. Since Indians are always exposed to hot summer, they say “A cool welcome” as a friendly greeting. Since foreigners always suffer with cold weather, they say “A warm welcome” as a friendly greeting. An Indian aspires for the cool grace of God whereas a foreigner aspires for the warm grace of God!

2. Why could the most powerful advice of God Krishna not change the Kauravas when they were advised for a compromise with the Pandavas?

Swami replied:- If the case of the patient is surgery, can the treatment with tablets and injections be useful to the patient? The cosmic vision shown by God Krishna is the final injection with topmost power. Even that failed, proving that the disease would not be cured by the treatment with tablets and injections. God Krishna knew this fact, but, tried with tablets and injections so that people will not blame Him that He has gone to surgery directly without trying medicines and injections (Suppose a doctor has a master degree in surgery and if you approach that doctor for curing your normal headache, he will directly proceed for a surgery of the head and the headache would have been cured simply by taking a Saridon tablet! Such a doctor will say that he has to see the cause of the ailment with his eyes perfectly! Such a surgeon is to be blamed really.). Therefore, the failure of the treatment with medicines and injections cannot be treated as the failure of the doctor. The doctor (God) tried the medical treatment to escape the above blame. The doctor (God) knew that the disease could be cured by surgery only and at the end, He performed the surgery on the patient by throwing the Kauravas into the everlasting fire.

3. People perform the marriage of God Shiva and Parvati on the festival of every Shivaratri. What is the inner meaning?

Swami replied:- The person performing the marriage of God with His Goddess shall not be thought as the rich man performing the marriage of very poor God and very poor Goddess. That is not at all the inner meaning of this ritual. The inner meaning of this ritual is that every soul, whether male or female, is not only female but also the wife of the only male God. This is told in the Veda clearly (Striyaḥ satīḥ puṃsaḥ…- Veda). Hence, the real meaning of this function is that the devoted soul is accepting himself as soul-female-wife before the God-male-husband. The devotee is reminding the duty of the husband to protect his wife from all sides of difficulties.
