Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 20 Aug 2021


Do the public servants and social activists enjoy life more than a person entangled in family bonds?

[Ms. Laxmi Thrylokya asked: Swami, You said that loving worldly people & worldly things is like drinking coffee and loving God is like drinking Amritam (Divine nectar). But, in the world, there are people who live for a bigger purpose such as public servants (ex: IAS or IPS officers), social activists, artists, NGO workers, etc. They don't even have family or children. They just love what they do! Do these people enjoy life more than a person entangled in family bonds? In my opinion, these kinds of people enjoy a drink which tastes better than coffee but less than Amritam. Please correct me.]

Swami replied:- Certainly you are perfectly correct in your conclusion. The soul entangled in worldly bonds only tastes sugarless coffee remaining in the level of earth. The soul entangled in public bonds with love for entire humanity is far better than the previous soul and tastes coffee with sugar reaching the upper worlds. In this middle level, there are two sub types: - 1) Souls doing human service without reference to God reach the upper world called ‘Bhuvar loka’ or star-world and 2) Souls doing human service with faith in God, but, aspiring profits in return reach still higher world called ‘Suvar loka’ or heaven. These two sub-levels differ in coffee with less sugar and coffee with more sugar. The highest level of souls are attached to God only and even their social service is based on their love to God only. These souls taste divine nectar of the level of the abode of God. The highest level of souls reaches ‘Mahar loka,’ ‘Janaloka’ and ‘Tapoloka’ for betterment of their spiritual devotion to God and finally reach the seventh world called ‘Satyaloka’ or ‘Brahma loka’ or ‘Vaikuntha’ or Shiva loka. If a soul becomes exceptional due to madness of devotion, such soul reaches the higher than the highest world called Goloka.
