Shri Datta Swami

 31 Aug 2024


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If one has to enjoy everything in the creation of God, how to enjoy both peace and terrorism?

[Shri Ramakanth asked:- It is said that one shall enjoy everything present in the creation of God because God created this world not only for His entertainment but also for the entertainment of the souls. In such case, how to enjoy both peace and terrorism?]

Swami replied:- Peace is created by God and terrorism that makes the peace into pieces is not created by God. The human souls created a lot of things in this world and perhaps the creation of human beings surpasses the creation of God! Hence, terrorism cannot be enjoyed not only by God, but also by any good human being unless the human being is a sadist. God coming as human incarnations always preaches about the peace of an individual and the peace of the world. Yoga says that one shall enjoy both happiness and misery equally and it does not mean that you shall enjoy peace (happiness) and terrorism equally. If God is enjoying terrorism also, why is He preaching world peace whenever He comes down to earth as human incarnation? God Buddha, Mahaavira Jain, etc., are some important human incarnations of God, who dedicated their entire life periods for the propagation of world peace.

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