Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 08 Aug 2022


Does the following verse ask wise men to worship devotees who have identified the Incarnation?

[Shri Balaji came from Bangalore exclusively to have Satsanga with Shri Datta Swami and other Devotees. Shri Balaji asked this question.]

Does the following verse ask wise men to worship devotees who have identified the Incarnation?

[sa vedaitat paramaṃ brahma dhāma yatra viśvaṃ nihitaṃ bhāti śubhram.

upāsate puruṣaṃ ye hyakāmāste śukrametadativartanti dhīrāḥ

Here, kindly clarify if Brahma Dhaama refers to an incarnation. So can we say that the verse asks wise men to worship devotees who have identified the Incarnation?]

Swami Replied: What you thought is exactly correct. Brahma Dhaama means the permanent residence of Parabrahman (Unimaginable God), who is the first Energetic Incarnation called God Datta. The person referred here is said to be Knower of the Self as God Datta, which means that the knower Himself is God Datta, who is the mediated Parabrahman Himself.  Here, monism is true because the Knower of Parabrahman is Parabrahman Himself. Vedas says that Parabrahman alone knows Parabrahman or Himself (Brahmavit Brahmaiva Bhavati). People misinterpret this as the soul knowing ParaBrahman becomes Parabrahman. The correct translation shall be Brahma Vit = The Knower of Parabrahman, Bhavati = Is, Brahmaiva = ParaBrahman alone. This means that the Unimaginable Parabrahman is not known to anybody other than Parabrahman and several Vedic statements exist for this (Yato vāco… Yo buddheḥ parataḥ…, Naiṣā tarkeṇa…, Yasyā matam… etc.). In Gita also, it is said that nobody knows God (Māṃ tu veda na kaścana). The second Brahma Sutra also tells about the definition of Parabrahman as the creator, controller and destroyer of this creation. This is not speaking about the nature (Svarūpa Lakṣaṇam) of Parabrahman, but is speaking about the action (Taṭastha Lakṣaṇam) of Parabrahman indirectly telling that Parabrahman is Unimaginable. In particular, the word Brahman used here is the word Parabrahman because the word Brahman has other meanings as well. Hence, the word ‘Saḥ’ used in the beginning refers to God Datta only and not an ordinary soul. Ordinary souls are referred in the third and fourth lines (Ye, Akāmāḥ, Dhīrāḥ), which means that the devotees of God Datta shall worship God Datta without any desire for any fruit in return from God Datta.
