Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 08 Aug 2022


Please give the true interpretations of the following verses from the Mundaka Upanishat?

[Shri Balaji came from Bangalore exclusively to have Satsanga with Shri Datta Swami and other Devotees. Shri Balaji asked this question.]

Please give the true interpretations of the following verses from the Mundaka Upanishat?

[In these important Mundaka verses

nāyamātmā pravacanena labhyo na medhayā na bahunā śrutena .

yamevaiṣa vṛṇute tena labhya-stasyaiṣa ātmā vivṛṇute tanūṃ svām

Can we say that ‘God being Unimaginable or in irrelevant media is unattainable by Pravachana, intelligence etc. For one who He chooses, He is attained in a Human body’.

The next verse immediately says:

nāyamātmā balahīnena labhyo na ca pramādāt tapaso vāpyaliṅgāt .

etairupāyairyatate yastu vidvāṃ-stasyaiṣa ātmā viśate brahmadhāma.

Can this mean, if a wise man strives by courage, knowledge and inspiration, he can recognise the Human Incarnation and enter the inner circle of devotion and service.]

Swami Replied: In the first verse, the word Soul refers to Parabrahman or Unimaginable God. Here, the word Soul (human soul) is used for the Unimaginable God in the sense of simile expressed as metaphor. The human soul is also invisible to naked eyes and is approximately similar to the invisible-Unimaginable God. The human soul is awareness, which is most precious in creation. Hence, in this verse, Parabrahman shall be taken as the meaning for the word ‘Aatman’. Any energetic or human incarnation is also mediated Parabrahman. Hence, Parabrahman looks like an energetic or human soul. In this way also, a specific soul can be Parabrahman and hence, the invisible and unimaginable Parabrahman is indicated by the visible and imaginable human soul (or energetic soul). It is said that Parabrahman is not attained by mere knowledge without devotion (vṛṇute means desire for God, which means devotion to God). For such a devotee, whose devotion is well founded on true spiritual knowledge, Parabrahman (unmediated God) appears as God Datta (mediated God). Parabrahman shows (vivṛṇute) His personal (svāṃ) form (tanūm). The personal body means that it is the permanent residential address of Parabrahman. In this verse, ‘Ayaṃātmā(this soul), eṣa Ātmā(that soul) and ‘Yam’ (whom) refer to God as energetic or human incarnation and ‘eṣa’ refers to a devoted human soul.

In the second verse, the Aatman referred by ‘Ayamātmā’ (this soul) in the first two lines refers to Parabrahman only. The reason is the word ‘This’ (Ayam) is used here also as was used in the first verse. The word ‘Ayam means a specific form or medium of God and hence the word ‘Ayam Ātmā’ refers to God Datta or Parabrahman only as per the context in the hymn. Such God cannot be attained by careless means. In the third and fourth lines, again the word ‘Aatman’ is used with a different word standing before the word Aatman, which is ‘Eṣa’, which also means a specific form, but different from the above mentioned divine form and this Aatman means the ordinary soul seeking for the union with God. Such devoted soul worshipping God Datta enters God Datta (viśate Brahma dhāma), which means that the devotee becomes very close to Datta. When the love is in excess, the hero says that the heroine entered his heart and this should not be taken in literal sense. It only means that the heroine became very close to the hero.
