19 Oct 2022
[Shri Hrushikesh asked: You clearly explained that all the prayers offered to God should be without any aspiration for fruit. However, in one of the answers You gave to the similar question asked by Smt. Lakshmi Lavanya K, You said that Worldly life is also important to cooperate with the spiritual line. Does it mean that it is justified to ask God for Basic amenities that in turn help in Spiritual life? Kindly correct me if my understanding is correct? Doesn't God take care of worldly life which will help in Spiritual life? What is the need to ask for the basics? Is it necessary to separately ask God? Isn't this ensured by default by God?]
Swami replied: What is harm in begging God for the basic amenities of worldly life? If your ego is preventing to ask such things from God, God does not like that because God feels happy if you beg from Him that shows the lack of ego. Sudama did not beg anything from God Krishna. But, Sudama is an exceptional devotee of God, who reached the climax of true devotion to God. In that level, not asking for anything is not ego, but is the lack of any worldly desire to be asked from God. Some scholars interpret Sudama to be egoistic in not begging from a classmate. It is totally wrong. If that is the angle, Krishna should not have blessed him so much. He believed in God Krishna, the contemporary Human Incarnation without any trace of ego and jealousy (especially, ego-based jealousy is more possible in the case of a classmate). Sudama is the devotee, who reached the climax of true devotion towards the contemporary Human Incarnation without a trace of ego-based jealousy. It all depends on your inner angle about which you are the best judge. When I said that Sudama got the angle of ego, it represents the angle of interpretation of some scholars.
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