Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 10 Jan 2024


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Don't You think that Pravrutti is to be concentrated more than Nivrutti?

[A question by Smt. Chhanda Chandra]

Swami replied:- Of course, emergency lies to establish the basic foundation of Pravrutti, which is to earn the basic needs. After this fundamental step, emergency lies in the spiritual line only. The reason is that if we miss this human birth, we are not sure of human rebirth. Even if we get births of animals and birds, Pravrutti follows the souls. Pravrutti means worldly life like eating, drinking, sleep, sex, etc. But, due to the absence of high-grade intelligence, Nivrutti is impossible. Even the thought of existence of God is not present in the case of animals and birds. No soul is sure of human rebirth and it will be high risk to assume human rebirth.
