Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 22 Nov 2022


How can students inculcate real knowledge into their daily lives?

[Smt. Chhanda Chandra asked: In the last week’s Satsang, it was very clearly explained how to deal with stress for the case of students. And the solution is only the real knowledge. But Swami, in today’s case most students are focusing on their study with the aim of having a distinction at the end and many are achieving also. Still they are not getting the real knowledge and in fact becoming more and more stressful. How to inculcate it in their lives and at which point of time? Please explain once again as it is very important.]

Swami replied:- Had this question been on spiritual knowledge, all your doubts become very much genuine. Of course, sincerity on true knowledge is also justified in Pravrutti, but, overstress is not necessary. The worldly knowledge is only to earn the livelihood, which is a routine matter. Even businessmen are doing earning in a far better way due to the grace of God. After settlement in life, Nivrutti must be given the topmost importance. In the case of worldly knowledge, force shall not be used on the brain of the student. A slow and gentle way of advice given now will bring true progress in the academic life.
