Shri Datta Swami

 13 Jul 2018


Who is the real Lord?

Shri Anil Antony asked:- Padanamaskaram Swami; A Muslim devotee ' Saleem Mughal' in Quora forum raised the following points after going through one of your discourse. Kindly give your response.

Now the question is raised here, according to normal peoples in this universe has lot of God/Lord than who we can know who is the real lord from all of them? Should be there some definition of God. Before to go on definition of God I want to give one example first.

[We have one human and one object suppose Table. If someone ask, who is Human and what is the table? Then how we can explain him? Before to give answer of this Question we should have knowledge about main attributes of both.

Human & Table attributes: Human has free will. Table has no free will.

Every human has mother and father. Table has now mother and father.

Human has two legs, two hands, two eys. Etc. Table has legs but no hands, eyes etc. Without food/water human cannot live. Table not required food.

Mean that Human has different shape and different attributes than Table. God/Lord/Bhagwan Attribute according to major religion:

Hinduism, Islam, Christians, Judaism

God is one

Hinduism - Ekkam ivdityam. (upanishad. Chap-6, Section-2, Verse-1)

God is only one without the second

Islam - Qul huwallahu Ahad. (chap – 112, verse – 1 to 4)

Say, he is Allah one and only.

Judaism – (The bible, Deut 6:4)

“Hear, o Israel: The lord our God is one Lord”

God is absolute:

Hinduism - Yo maamjamnandi chavetti lokmaheshwaram, Asammudha samtyershu sarvpapaih pramuchyate, (Bhagavad Gita, Chap-6, verse-3)

Almighty God in the supreme Lord of all the worlds, if one will believe in this fact, his sins will be forgive.

Islam -- Allah hussamad, (Quran)

Allah, the Eternal, absolute.

God Have no father no Mother:

Hinduism -- Na casya kasuj janita na cadhipah.

“Of him there are neither parents nor Lord”

Islam – Lamyalid wa lamyulad.

He begets not, nor is he begotten. (no father no mother)

Judaism – “I, even I, am the lord; and beside me there is no savior.” (bible 43:11)

No one like God:

Islam -- Wa lamyakullahu kufuwan Ahad.

“And there is none like unto him”.

Hinduism --- Na tasya prastima asti (Upanishad chapter 4:19)

There is no Likeness of him

Judaism --- I am God, and there is none else, I am God, and there is none like me”

Hinduism - Yo maamjamnandi chavetti lokmaheshwaram, Asammudha samtyershu sarvpapaih pramuchyate, (Bhagavad Gita, Chap-6, verse-3)

Almighty God in the supreme Lord of all the worlds, if one will believe in this fact, his sins will be forgive.

I can quote many others verses. In all religion God is one.]

Swami replied:- You have given good correlation. God is unimaginable since He is beyond space. He mediates with the medium of awareness and energy to become energetic incarnation, called as Father of heaven or Datta. The Father of heaven enters the human medium of awareness, inert energy and matter to become human incarnation. Due to His unimaginable power, He remains as unimaginable God and remains as energetic and human incarnations simultaneously so that different religions are satisfied. Being unimaginable, no direct definition can be given to the absolute God. As the first energetic incarnation, He can be defined as the creator, ruler and destroyer of the world in the appropriate times.
