Shri Datta Swami

 08 Feb 2022


How do I know which path to follow for soul's liberation?

[Juan Rodriguez asked: How do I know which path to follow for soul liberation? I understand that Karma plays a role in this but perhaps you can look into my soul structure and bring me more information? My birthday is April 8, 1977 time is 17:32 location City: Toppenish State of Washington in USA, By Juan Rodriguez]

Swami replied: God speaks through Me and your data of birth is not necessary for God. You are a good sincere person, but, you have always a flow of doubts running as an underlying stream. You serve the mission of God practically by doing practical service, which alone will give you good fruits here while you are alive and also there while you go to the upper world.

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Note:- Lord Krishna says in Srimad Bhagavad Gita that propagating divine spiritual knowledge pleases the God greatly, Jñānayajñena tenāham. Spiritual knowledge brings about permanent happiness and peace in the world. So Join us in sharing this divine spiritual knowledge of Lord Datta and earn the highest grace of God.

Jaya Datta Swami

