Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 09 Oct 2021


How Muslims can rise from Pravrutti to receive contemporary human incarnation of God and reach Nivrutti?

[Shri Anil asked: Prophet Muhammad is the seal of Prophet for Muslims from the view point of ‘Unification of all Gods into one absolute God’ and it is a sealed concept and no other Prophet can change it. This is true in the case of Jesus and Adi Shankara. However, both Adi Shankara and Jesus touched the concept of God in Flesh or Human incarnation of God, which is missing in Quran. In such case, introduction of Human incarnation concept to Muslims become very difficult as they treat Quran as the final scripture wherein it is strongly support God only sending Prophets and that He will never Himself come in human form. With this constraint how Muslims can rise from the boundary of Pravrutti preaching to receive contemporary human incarnation of God which is the field of Nivrutti? Are they collectively limited only to Pravrutti forever?]

Swami replied:- The sealed concept refers to the single basic unimaginable God present in different media and in this concept the incarnations may differ based on their specific programmes. The sealed concept is with reference to unity of the internal unimaginable God and not regarding the different external human media.
