Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 02 Sep 2022


How to guide children in puberty, who are attracted to opposite sex easily?

[Smt. Sudha Rani asked: Jai GuruDatta Swami. PadaNamaskaram Swami. Thank You Swami for Your kindness for bearing our ignorance and many more blessings. With Your precious gift of prayer, my students are chanting the prayer daily.

'Dharma priyaya sansare
Dharmateetaya ca swayam
Anuhyayohya dehaya
Namaste Paramatmane'

The little ones could easily be attracted to learn and understand the unreality of worldly bonds and the reality of permanent bond of God, who is their saviour and giver forever. Swami, this question is quite worldly.

Nowadays, most of the children in puberty are easily immersed in attraction to opposite sex. Being a school teacher, we sometimes need to councel in my school as a part of Pravritti. How can I do my best without Your guidelines? As this is a very sensitive issue and very critical to handle, this would be the fortune of the whole generation to get enlightened with Your Golden words in this regard, Swami! Please Shabdamekam kathaya…!!!]

Swami replied:- You shall describe the unimaginable and eternal beauty of God so that such minds are detached from the worldly bonds. Beautiful personalities of God like Rama, Krishna, Adi Shankara must be described with the help of their most attractive photos. Lack of concentration on God is the main reason for diversion to such wrong trends.
