Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 07 Aug 2021


How to overcome 'Rupa-Bhranti' when I see different human forms of God?

[Ms. Bhanu Samykya asked: Swāmi, I'm unable to come out of 'Rūpa-Bhrānti' when I see different human forms of God. God is beyond the visible and forms of Human Incarnation but I cannot understand that. The physicality looks real and I cannot relate physicality with God. Kindly enlighten me Swāmi.]

Swāmi Replied:- Name and form is relative reality whereas the unimaginable God present in all the incarnations is the absolute reality. God Datta is present in all the incarnations. God Datta Himself is very beautiful. But, He likes to remove this Rūpabhrānti (fascination for beauty) by appearing in forms lacking beauty completely. For the sake of climax devotees, who are not yet liberated from the fascination for beauty, God Datta appears in beautiful forms only. Devotees attached to unimaginable God only are always attached to any form of God. Devotees attached to God through sweet devotion (Madhurabhakti) like Gopikas are also satisfied with beautiful form of God like Kṛṣṇa. God serves all devotees as per their tastes.
