Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 28 Mar 2023


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Do different forms of God make different decisions?

[Mr. Talin Rowe asked: Highest salutations onto You Swami. In Your Bhagavat Gita, You explain the differences between forms of God as being different aspects of the divine personality fulfilling functions as different forms of God yet having the fundamental identity of Datta, the expressed identity of the Unimaginable God. I was wondering if different forms of God have different agency in decision making, or if all decisions are being made through the single source of Datta? Thank You, and at Your Lotus Feet, Humble regards, Talin Rowe]

Swami replied:- The Father of heaven (God Datta) and the unimaginable God are one and the same just like a naked person in the bathroom and the same person clothed outside are exactly one and the same. Different forms of God are only different dresses of the same one God or the different roles of the same actor. The forms allow for difference in the speeches related to different roles, but, basic contradiction will never be there. To uplift different sects of devotees, different methods have to be adopted and for this purpose, there may be superficial difference like the difference in different colored water quantities. You will find unity if you go to the basic foundation levels like protecting justice, punishing injustice and reflection of divine love as per the levels.
