Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 12 Jan 2024


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How to uplift the people who are attached to film songs more than the devotional songs?

[Shri PVNM Sarma asked: Swami, the present society is very much attached to film songs than the devotional songs. What is the way to uplift them?]

Swami replied:- The same cinema songs can be sung on God, keeping God as the goal of that song. In fact, there are -very very powerful cinema songs involving the intensity of love to the climax state. The Veda says that all souls are females and wives/darlings of God (Striyaḥ satīḥ…). Hence, any soul can think about itself as female and wife of God. Shri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa lived in Brundaavanam for one month wearing saree and jewels thinking Himself as a Gopika! Nobody can be greater than Paramahamsa and hence, need not hesitate in this direction of assumption. The soul can sing cinema songs of intensive love on God thinking itself as female and as wife/darling of God. God sees the love of the soul to God and does not see whether the song is in scripture or not. The modern souls will achieve the salvation certainly by singing these cinema songs on God since these people like these cinema songs to the state of climax and hence, they easily get complete absorption to God. If a soul sings “Curaaliyaa hai tum ne jo dil ko, nazar nahi curaanaa sanam…” (Meaning:- You have stolen my heart, don’t steal my eyesight also.) on God Krishna, He is very much pleased with the climax love of the devotee. Similarly, if one sings “Khaayii hai re ham ne kasam sang rahane kii, aayegaare uduke meraa hams paradeshii…” (Meaning:- We both have promised to each other that we will live together. My swan or hamsa, who is far from me will come back to me by flying.) on God Shiva, He will be tremendously pleased with the intensity of love of the devotee.

I will tell a wonderful incident that happened in the early age of My life. In the house of My father-in-law at Chennai, once Mahaanyaasa Rudraabhisheka (bath worship of God Shiva) was performed in which 11 priests participated and I also joined them. When the worship was over, the priests became detached from the devotion and were talking some useless politics. I started singing the above cinema song on God Shiva (Khaayii hai re…). The priests went and reported against Me to My father-in-law referring to My Hindi cinema song. My father-in-law told them that they should ask Me only for clarification and told them that I am the incarnation of God Datta. The priests came to Me and asked for clarification. I replied like this, “As soon as the worship is over, you lost your devotion on God Shiva and you are talking nonsense. In the worship, the hymns mean that you are placing God Shiva on every limb of your body (Mahaanyaasa) so that God Shiva merges with you. God Shiva merged with you during the worship and at the end of the worship, as soon as your devotion disappeared, He went back to His abode called Shiva Loka. On behalf of you, I am singing this song on God Shiva inviting Him to come back. The song says ‘Hams Paradeshii’, which means God Shiva, who went back to His world. In our worship itself, we told that ‘Hams’ is the name of God Shiva (Haṃsa Haṃseti yo brūyāt, Haṃso nāma sadś Śivaḥ). By this song, He will return back by flying because God and soul promised to each other that both will live together as per the Veda (Dvā suparṇā sayujā sakhāyā…)”. The priests with tears in eyes fell on My feet. Hence, the merit of the path to God is not important since the intensity of love to God in a path is most important (Bhāvagrāhī Janārdanaḥ). Such love can be created only when you know the meaning, which generates the feeling from which love flows in the heart. People reading the Vedic hymns without knowing their meaning shall understand this point.
