Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 17 Jun 2021


I feel that a soul should be given a better life on earth rather than sending to heaven. Please comment.

[Ms. Thrylokya asked: Swāmi, the result of the karma after life is said to be utilised for 3 things. To make trips to Hell and Heaven and to take the next birth. In my understanding, the next birth (location, family, atmosphere etc.) depends on the leftover karmic result after making both the trips. We have learnt that it is the benevolent God who makes the judgement about division of karmic results. I don't know if it is spiritually significant to know about how this division happens. Although my knowledge is wrong and limited, I get this feeling that a soul should be given a better life on earth rather than sending that soul to heaven for enjoyment. I have this doubt because I feel sympathetic towards poor people who toil hard to just make their living. Forgetting the administration of God, I start to wish that they had a better life. I get tempted to do some social service instantly and sometimes give money without a second thought. After a few minutes, Your teachings would strike my mind and I happen to remember that God is the best judge and God's love for them is infinitely more than my sympathy for them. Kindly help me come out of this distraction. At Your Divine Lotus Feet, Laxmi Thrylokya]

Swāmi replied:- Even if we do 4 sins subsequently and then 4 merits subsequently, God will arrange these eight fruits alternatively one after the other like 4 hot dishes and 4 sweet dishes given alternatively one after the other in the meals. If all the 4 hot dishes are served at a stretch, you will be bored and similarly if all the 4 sweet dishes are served at a stretch, then also you will be bored. Instead, God will serve 1 hot fruit first and then serve 1 sweet fruit subsequently. This will remove the boredom rising in continuous enjoyment. Since God is the Divine Father of all the souls, He makes this arrangement in the interest of His children. Of course, even this arrangement may be disturbed by Him sometimes based on the requirement in the process of reformation of soul. God is not only the beloved Divine Father, but also, the serious teacher inculcating the discipline in His children-students. Based on the requirement of the progress of the health (reformation) of the patient (soul), the doctor (God) may change a specific set of already fixed treatment. This means that everything is in the hands of God and anything done by God is aimed at only one goal, which is the enjoyment of the soul without boredom with a simultaneous treatment of the soul to bring reformation in the soul. We must understand not only the simultaneous dual nature of the electron (as particle and wave), but also understand the simultaneous dual nature of God (love of the Father and seriousness of Preacher).

Social service is liked by God and you should like it not because you like the humanity, but, because you like God. The direct liking for the humanity is not based on the real logical picture because any soul in this world is enjoying its own good or bad fruit only. You must know that God is the Father of all the souls and you are one among all these souls. You are worrying about your brother or your sister. Don’t you think that your father loves your brother or sister more than you? If your sister is adamant in certain issue, your father becomes angry with her and orders that no food shall be given to her on that day. You pity your sister without understanding the greater love of your father on your sister. If you are giving food to your sister, your father may like it internally. Therefore, you give food to your sister based on not your love to your sister, but based on the love of your father on your sister. You must love your sister since your father loves your sister. If the social service is oriented through devotion to God, you will get the permanent association with God.

If your social service is oriented through your love to humanity, you will get temporary heaven. If your social service is oriented through politics, you will get a temporary post of minister, with the help of which, you can become very rich. The first type of social service is the best, the second type is better and the third type is good and the same time bad if the aim is to earn money. While doing the social service, you must be very careful about the cheating trends of this Kali age. A beggar begs for food and some beggars (not all beggars) sell that food, get money to play gambling or to drink alcohol. Hence, give food to a beggar putting the condition that he/she shall eat that food in your presence. You must first concentrate on the poorest beggars, then concentrate on poorer people and then finally concentrate on poor people. Unless poorest disappear, you shall not concentrate on poorer and poor sections. You shall never give money to any beggar because he/she may misuse it in sinful activities. Only food, cloth, medicine and shelter shall be offered to the poorest section taking care about any sort of misuse of the donated item.
