Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 10 Apr 2023


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Is fate deterministic or does willpower change an individual's fate?

[A question by Mr. Talin Rowe]

Swami replied:- Fate is rigid in the sense that the punishment declared against a sinful soul is irrevocable except in the case of reformation. The reformation of a soul through realization by knowledge, repentance by devotion and non-repetition of the sin by practice can cancel all the sins of that specific type since the aim of punishment is only non-repetition of the sin. This reformation is possible for the soul on this earth and hence, this earth provides opportunity to change destiny. Except this one way, will power is a foolish term to be used in this context. By will power, the lowered confidence can be built-up to the normal level and this process also cannot increase the confidence beyond normal level. An antibiotic can reduce the body temperature to normal level by killing the bacteria and it cannot give more strength to the body. A tonic can give more strength, which is the grace of God that can give more strength to the confidence beyond the normal level.

Q. Does Hell reduce bad behavior and vices of souls or does it develop better virtues that supplement the vices?

Swami replied:- The answer for this question can be found in the answer to the previous question. The hell reduces the bad behavior and vices to certain time period because only the spiritual knowledge preached by the Sadguru alone can permanently reform the soul and also develop better virtues. Reformation through knowledge gives a permanent result whereas punishment gives a temporary result. Hence, the reformed soul need not be punished again and based on this logic, all the pending sins of that type get cancelled.

Q. Can souls do anything to develop better virtues?

Swami replied:- The true spiritual knowledge preached by the Sadguru is always harsh because the Sadguru never worries about your good impressions upon Him. Catching the Sadguru, who is the human incarnation of God, is the best single medicine for all spiritual problems. But, practice of His knowledge is important to get the correct result. Unless you use the medicine prescribed by the best doctor, there will be no use of approaching the best doctor. If practice is absent, it is as good as not approaching any doctor. Hence, theory including study of knowledge and subsequent generation of inspiration (devotion) finally followed by practice or Karma Yoga is the correct systematic path.
