Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 15 Nov 2022


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Is homosexuality a natural genetic trait?

[Shri Hrushikesh asked: Dear Swami, I was discussing about homosexuality with my friends. My point was that homosexuality is a psychological problem and is unnatural. According to my opinion a person becomes homosexual based on the external factors that influence their sexual orientation. However my friends argue that Homosexuality is due to genetics. They argue that Homosexuals are naturally born. In being a homosexual, persons and external factors have a limited role to play. My question is: can homosexuality be genetically a natural thing? Kindly throw some light on this. At Your feet, Hrushikesh]

Swami replied:- Whenever a person is unable to control any specific defect, he/she throws the blame on God or on heredity (ancestors). All such arguments are wonderful poems written by the weakness of human beings.
