Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 26 Mar 2023


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Is it justified to say that the sinner and meritorious person shall be seen equally as said in the Gita?

[A question by Ms. Thrylokya]

Swami replied: In the Gita, a verse (Vidyaavinaya sampanne…) says that both good person and bad person must be seen equally. It does not mean that you have to see both equally. It only means that without any undue partiality, you must see a good person as a good person and a bad person as a bad person. Suppose the bad person is your relative and the good person is an outsider. Then, you should not say that the bad person is good and the good person is bad. If you say like that, you are seeing the two cases without the equality of justice. Equality (Samadarshinah) means just considering the good and bad qualities without any other factor of partiality.
