Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 06 Jul 2022


Is it true that one can think of God only when His grace exists?

[Ms. Thrylokya asked:- Somebody quoted Shri Ramana Maharshi saying that anybody can think about God only when there is grace of God (“It is by God’s grace that you think of God” - Talk29). Does this not mean that if somebody is unable to think about God, it means God’s grace is absent and by this, such soul need not worry.]

Swami Replied:- When somebody is not thinking about God, certainly God’s grace is absent. But  why is God’s grace not coming? It is not coming because the spiritual effort of the devotee is defective. Hence, the devotee shall analyse his/her spiritual efforts and find out the defect, which is to be rectified to get God’s grace. Hence, both God’s grace and self-effort are essential to think about God. One should not blame God for not showing grace, but, shall analyse the self-spiritual efforts to find out the self-defect that is hindering God’s grace.
