Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 21 Aug 2022


Is it true that sleeping for very less time affects Dhyana?

[Smt. Chhanda asked: Padanamaskaram Swami, please clarify my following queries: Gita says that those who sleep for very for less time, cannot do Dhyana. Very little means how much little Swami? I am clarifying this for myself Swami. This is because, from my very childhood, I used to sleep very less as the nights were full of horrible dreams for a long time. Only in the last few years, the frequency of the horrible dreams have come down. And now You are in all my dreams and have been giving sweet moments throughout the nights. But sleep time is still very less but with all positive thoughts. I stay healthy by Your grace. So is it that I cannot concentrate in God and God’s work as according to You Dhyana is continuous thinking of God? Please show me the light. At Your divine lotus feet, Chhanda.]

Swami Replied:- Dhyana means devotion based on spiritual knowledge. Both knowledge and devotion are in theoretical phase only, which is expected to transform you into practical devotion involving service and sacrifice to God. Only practical devotion will yield the final divine fruit. Knowledge is like water and devotion is like manure while practice is the mango plant that yields the fruit. Devotion means true love to God and not meditation. Meditation is artificial and in devotion every step must be natural. Devotion is also theoretical, which is expected to lead you into practice. Once the practice comes, there is no use of the theoretical phase. Shri Rama Krishna Paramahamsa said that there is no need of the list of articles to be purchased once you have purchased those articles.
