Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 16 Mar 2024


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Is the strain involved equal in the forward and reverse paths?

[Ms. Thrylokya asked:- In the answer of the 4th question of Ms. Swathika, You told that the path and reverse path involve equal strain in the effort. In the 10th question-reply (Click herre), You told that the effort in the reverse path is very less since the attraction is more. How to correlate these two?]

Swami replied:- The topic of the 4th question is different from the topic of the 10th question. The first topic is related to knowledge in which the two paths are theoretical knowledge (thinking that any soul is not God) and theoretical ignorance (thinking that every soul is God). In the later topic, the two paths are doing practical sacrifice to God and avoiding practical sacrifice to God. In the later topic, the second path is very attractive and is preached by false preachers expecting some little favour from the disciples for preaching a convenient knowledge. The true preacher will stress on the first path only because it is very much stressed by the Veda (Na karmaṇā…) and God Krishna (Karma Phala Tyaaga in the Gita). In the first topic, it is equally difficult to make a scholar to become ignorant and the ignorant to become a scholar because here, only theoretical knowledge is involved and not the practical sacrifice to God. In the later topic, preaching practical sacrifice to God is more difficult than preaching non-practice of practical sacrifice to God since the second path is easy and more attractive to any soul.
