Shri Datta Swami

 25 Sep 2024


Is there a mention of Jesus in the Vedas?

1. Is the following verse of the Rig Veda referring to Jesus?

[Shri Anil asked: Jesus in Vedas. Padanamaskaram Swami, I happen to watch a video in which the preacher says that Jesus is mentioned in the Vedas as per the following verses, hence Jesus is the only saviour to the mankind. Swami kindly give Your responses to the following, at Your Lotus Divine Feet-anil.

Rig Veda 10:90:7: A sacrificial animal (goat) should be without a blemish. A bush (balusu) be placed around its Head. To be bound to a sacrificial (wooden) post/tree. Nails to be driven to its four limbs. The cloth covering the goat to be divided into four pieces. None of its bone shall be broken. The Goat should be given a Soma Juice. After it has been slain to be restored to life again. Its flesh is meant to be eaten.

The preacher says that the above verse is referring to Jesus, as all the above conditions satisfied during His crucifixion.]

Swami replied:- It is meaningless to search the Vedas for Jesus and to search the Bible for Krishna. By doing research, what is that you have achieved? Did your Bible fail to project Jesus properly so that you are running after the Vedas to project Jesus in a better direction? Both Jesus and Krishna are the human incarnations of the same one unimaginable God and there is no need of rejecting any divine form of God of any religion.


2. Is the Prajapati mentioned in the following verse Jesus?

[Rig Veda 10:121:1: “In the beginning, God and His supreme spirit alone existed. From the supreme Spirit of the God proceeded Hiranyagarbha (Prajapati), the first born of the God in the form of light. As soon as He was born, He became the saviour of all the worlds.”

The preacher says that the Prajapati mentioned in the above verse is Jesus.]

Swami replied:- God means the ultimate unimaginable God. The supreme spirit is the space or subtle energy (Paramavyoma) created by God. Using this subtle energy, the unimaginable God created the first energetic incarnation called as Hiranyagarbha or Narayana or Ishvara or God Datta (Datta means the unimaginable God given to the world of devotees for the sake of worship and such first energetic incarnation is called Father of Heaven. The human incarnation of the Father of Heaven is Jesus.)

3. Is the following verse of the Rig Veda referring to Jesus as the only saviour?

[Rig Veda 10:90:2: “This man, the first-born of God is all that was, all that is and all that will be. And He comes to this world to give recompense to everybody as per his deeds.”

The preacher says that the above verse is also about Jesus being the only saviour of the world.]

Swami replied:- The savior of the world is certainly explained above, but, His name was not mentioned as Jesus and His name was actually mentioned as Hiranyagarbha. This Hiranyagarbha is none but the unimaginable God given to the world of devotees as the first energetic incarnation called as God Datta. Datta simply means the unimaginable God given (Datta means given).

4. Is the Rig Veda verse 10:90:16 similar to the Romans 10:9 verse in the Bible?

[Rig Veda 10:90:16: “This (sacrifice) is the only way of redemption and liberation of mankind. Those who meditate and attain this man, believe in heart and chant with the lips, get liberated in this world itself and there is no other way of salvation.”

The preacher says that the above verse in Veda is similar to the following verse in Bible and hence the above verse is talking about Jesus only.

Romans 10:9: "If you declare with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord,' and if you believe in your heart that God raised Jesus from the dead, you will be saved".]

Swami replied:- The above Vedic verse is certainly speaking about the contemporary human incarnation of God Datta. As per the culture of the religion, the contemporary human incarnation gets the divine name like Jesus, Mohammad, Buddha, Rama, Krishna, Sai Baba etc. You cannot pin one name since you are fascinated to that name.

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