Shri Datta Swami

 01 Sep 2024


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Mini Satsanga on Krishnashtami

(By Ms. Thrylokya)

O Learned and Devoted Servants of God

On the the day of Krishnashtami, an online Satsanga of Swami was arranged from 3 pm to 6 pm. In the forenoon, some devotees came to make the arrangements and the devotees spread their luggage in the hall on chairs and floor. Then, I told the devotees “In a few minutes, all of you must remove the bags lying here and put them under the sofa and chairs so that the coming devotees will have space to sit”. I told this in a bit harsh and commanding voice. Devotees responded accordingly. Then, Swami called me and advised me in the following way “These devotees are adults and due to your harsh and commanding voice, they will be hurt. If these people were small children, your commanding and harsh voice is justified because then only they will pay even their first attention. This harsh voice is coming from Rajas or ego present in you. Adults will be hurt immediately and their analysis about your good heart follows after sometime only. You must be careful about the immediate effect of such behaviour of Rajas. You could say to these adult devotees like this ‘Please don’t mistake me for telling this. Kindly rearrange your luggage so that the floor will become vacant for the coming devotees to sit. Don’t mind otherwise since you already know what I am saying now. I am only just reminding you. Kindly co-operate without misunderstanding me.’ If you speak in very polite and soft manner, they will respond to you even with more speed than expected by you. Even while in hurry, you should not speak in a harsh manner. You see your friend Swathika, whose name is changed by Me as Saatvika. She never speaks even a single harsh word in any situation. God always likes Sattvam and not Rajas. Sattvam is the nature of angels. Rajas and Tamas constitute the nature of demons. Sattvam is the quality of God Vishnu, who is the best administrator of this entire creation”.




(By Prof. JSR Prasad)

Today is Krishnashtami and Swami is sitting on a decorated chair for the sake of online satsanga to be conducted. Today, the first devotees, who came are Smt. Rama Sundari, Shri Pavan and Smt. Priya along with me. Ms. Thrylokya phoned to me and told me to advice Swami to wear the silk saffron shirt so that it can significantly appear in the photos. Swami told that the flashes of light of the shirt are not important, but, the flashes of spiritual knowledge are more important than the radiance of the shirt and body since the spiritual knowledge is eternal and the shirt and body are temporary. Swami told that this body itself is the external shirt for a soul and this body will also perish by death. Hence, Swami showing His body and shirt, told that both the body and shirt are temporary. Then, Smt. Rama Sundari told with tears “Swami, don’t say like that. You must be always with us. Please don’t talk bad like this”.

Then Swami spoke “If you are not speaking bad, will bad stop? You are thinking that this concept is inauspicious. The Gita says that you must find action in inaction and inaction in the action. So, you must find bad in good and good in bad. By constantly remembering that this body is not permanent, your mind will often go to the eternal God. If you don’t remember the mortality of this body, you will be in the constant illusion that this body and this world are real and permanent. Then, your mind will not go to the eternal God because your impression about your body and the world that both are permanent, will continue forever and become more and more strong. In such case, your mind will not go to the eternal God because you are thinking that your body, family and world are real and permanent. Therefore, you must constantly think about the mortality of this body so that your mind will always attach to the immortal God easily and forever. The Gita starts with this concept only, which is about the mortality of the physical body. You may think that a book must start with an auspicious concept (Maṅgalādīni… kāvyāni). Actually, this concept is the most auspicious concept since it drives your mind to the eternal God. Poet Kalidasa says that death is natural and life is unnatural (Maraṇaṃ prakṛtiḥ śarīriṇāṃ vikṛti rjīvitamucyate budhaiḥ). The scientific explanation for this is that the five elements in the nature are in free state with low free energy (G) and every spontaneous process tries to proceed in the direction of lowering its free energy (∆G). Hence, the spontaneous trials of these five elements in the body are to separate and become stable in the nature by lowering their free energy. The result of such trial is the disease seen frequently in the body. Kalidasa says that this body on disintegration into five elements becomes the body of some other soul and this soul takes up a new body of some other soul in the next birth. It means that when any human body disintegrates, its five elements are distributed into the cosmos or nature and those distributed five elements are taken by another soul as food, air and water, etc., so that the body of that soul is formed and grown up gradually. Thus, even your body and soul are not permanently bonded, not to speak about the bonds between two different bodies and souls (Svaśarīra śarīriṇāvapi…)”.

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