Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 16 Aug 2021


Oh Swami, please allow me to do whatever service I am eligible.

Smt. Chhanda asked: Q1) Oh Swāmi, I am so fortunate to have Your guidance with me. For the last few years I am trying to follow You in most of my worldly matters though with a turtle speed. With Your grace I feel so blessed myself now that my thirst for You is going on increasing continuously. I am not able to satisfy myself in the spiritual path. In the last few years, I was so fortunate that I got the real darshan of Śrī Rāmkṛṣṇa Paramahaṃsa, Swāmi Vivekānanda and few other incarnations who are real inspiration for me. After this one day throughout the night in my dream, I saw after a very difficult struggle in my life a highly spiritual and achieved soul came to me and just took my responsibility with him and asked me to come back to my normalcy. I could not recognise him properly but I think it can't be anybody other than You as in all my thoughts it is You who is always pervading in my mind without even intentionally trying. Whomever I am trying to think, finally it is only You. It is possible only by Your grace. Please always guide me as You know everything. You please clarify me if I am wrong.

Now I am trying to put my contribution towards Your divine mission. My heart is always yearning for You and my mind is dwelling on the glory of You and in no time I can feel like I am doing anything in this sacred mission. Please allow me for whatever service I am eligible. You are the DeenDayal. At Your divine lotus feet Swāmi. Chhanda.

Swāmi Replied:- Your spiritual progress is excellent. Try to do some practical service to God, which is the proof of the theoretical devotion. I mean whatever service practically possible for you, which does not mean the quantitative magnitude. The totality of the possible service is the maximum qualitative and practical devotion. Karma Yoga or practice is the final stage of spiritual path.

My son wants to know who is his Ārādhya Devatā from You, Swāmiji?

Q2) My 9 years old son has requested me to get an answer of his question. By God's grace, he is having lot of interest in mythology and spirituality and he is showing lot of respect to Swāmiji also. He wants to know who is his Ārādhya Devatā from Swāmiji? Please tell me how will I answer it and I think nobody other than Swāmiji can answer this. At Your divine lotus feet. Please grace Your blessings on us

Swāmi Replied:- God Dattātreya.
