Shri Datta Swami

 25 Mar 2025


Please give Your response to the following matter.

[Shri Jayesh Pandey asked: Pada Namaskaram Swami ji! My Telegram account was hacked recently and the hacker was trying to get access to the telegram account of my contacts as well. I have reached out to Telegram organization regarding this and very soon will file a cyber complaint as well. Even though by the time this mail reaches You, I would have done the necessary procedures required but still as a more concrete preventive step I think it would be better to report this matter to You, directly, so as to avoid any further significant harm to anyone in any way possible. I hope, I'm doing the right thing by sending this to You and bringing it under Your direct cognizance. Do forgive me if I'm at fault for sharing such problems via mails , for making this a long read and for taking up Your precious time along with that of others involved in Your work. My humble heartfelt Apologies again. Below Your Feet.]

Swami replied:- You have done the correct thing. Be careful upto the end of this March month.

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