Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 25 Jul 2024


Reply from His Holiness Shri Datta Swami to the poem 'Swami - The Guru Datta' of Smt. Chhanda

(Poem by Smt. Chhanda Chandra is enclosed. Click here to read)

Swami replied:

Biggest world-wonder is that one recites Raamaayanam and Bhaagavatam,
But, does not understand at all the main essence of these two divine epics,
Still worships statues of irrelevant energetic incarnations of upper worlds,
And past human incarnations that have gone from our eyes in the temples.

For Hanuman, Rama and for Gopikas, Krishna are contemporary humans,
Similarly, for you, the contemporary human incarnation stands physically,
Every generation has good and bad devotees, hence, God in human form,
Comes down in every generation, not at all partial to one generation only.

Gita says that God comes down whenever required in a suitable medium,
Inner actor is the same, only external dress-forms are changing like roles,
One God, one heaven for rewards and one hell for punishments of souls,
One creation of one God, why religions are quarrelling with foolishness?


Swami - The Guru Datta

(A poem on His Holiness Shri Datta Swami by Smt. Chhanda)

In order to find out God, we need to follow continuously ‘neti neti’,
Not here, not here, somewhere else, some other place.

Main focus is not on the vast creation but on the Creator Himself,
By Whose power and inspiration only, this amazing show is running,
By the power of Whom, our eyes are able to see, ears get the power to hear,
By Whose power, tongue is able enjoy the taste from variety of food items,
By Whose power, nose is able to do the process of respiration,
And most importantly, Who is making us capable of continuous thinking.

By our foolish ignorant thoughts, we think all these processes happen naturally,
So, we don’t even bother to think about the source of all these really.

To teach all these, I read somewhere that we have a very specific Kenopanishad,
Which concentrates only on one entity by Whom all this creation is maintained,
And tries to find out this root cause of everything, Who is really existing behind.

When we seriously try to find out all these,
We will land up that He is the eye of the eyes,
Ear of the ears, life of lives and mind of all minds.

If we are able to find it out, our upliftment process will start taking place,
We will see this world as real, not by itself but is relatively real in original sense,
Which is a gift to this creation by the Omnipotent God, Who only is absolute real.

That is why Upanishad gives this entity a wonderful name ‘Satyam Satyam’,
And says, indriya cannot see on its own but dependent on the Absolute truth.
(Satyam: truth, indriya: sense)

If we want to know this Absolute truth, we need to put efforts first,
Once we start, immediately God also approaches us in faster speed than ours.
This development can’t be seen in everyday life, can be felt gradually,
It is assured that real efforts will compel God to come to us personally.

If we do real sadhana, we will surely achieve siddha one day,
May be not today but some other day, depending on the soul’s maturity.
The best option for us to attain God is in contemporary human incarnation form,
Where Unimaginable God has expressed Himself for our benefit in natural norm.

What is the use of concentrating on some energetic or past human form of God
When the same God is already present in front of our eyes, we just need to nod.
Once He shows His kindness and comes to us, we can worship Him directly,
How fortunate we are that we are able to do it in the form that we selected happily.

As soon as we reach this stage, there is no place at all to be sorry,
Even if no one gives us any importance, nothing to worry,
Also if all starts respecting us suddenly, there is nothing that we gain really.

In this whole creation, there is not even a single case,
Who has become great by himself or by some other person,
It has become possible only by the grace of the Lord of this creation.

In the history of the world, it is clearly understood that behind every good reason,
It is God, Who only has graced the mankind like His own child for no reason,
This harsh truth can be written in our mind in burning letters with proper reason.

If we understand this, really, we will never face any problem in life,
In fact, by His grace, we will be able to see a solution in the problem-live.

All these lessons can be learnt only by true and complete spiritual knowledge,
The more we absorb this knowledge, the more we feel attracted towards God,
It is clearly proven by my Swami’s knowledge, Who Himself is the Lord.

Such excellent knowledge clearly tells that neither He is the external human body,
Nor is He the internal awareness in which three qualities are mixed.
This human body can be treated as the outermost shirt,
Whereas the internal awareness can be called as the inner shirt.
Both these shirts are perfectly applicable in case of an ordinary human being,
But for Swami, our contemporary human incarnation,
Existence of the God component in Him makes the whole difference. 

In order to mix with us, He is wearing these two shirts, made of five elements,
So that He can be in the same plane where we, human beings have our existence,
And the most important point is to recognize Him in our own plane of substance.

If we can’t get success in recognizing Swami as the God in our plane here,
We will definitely fail in identifying Him in upper world there.
The reason for not recognizing Swami is nothing but ego and jealousy,
That obstruct us here in this loka, will again obstruct us in upper loka certainly.
(loka:- world)

Human rebirth being rare, becoming spiritual is still rarer,
Even if these are possible, catching contemporary human incarnation is the rarest.
We are unlucky if we fail to recognize Swami as the Unimaginable God,
We are most unfortunate if we lose Him after recognition just by doubt.

He is the centre of attraction, to Whom we all should run as early as possible,
And this one moto shall be the central point of our whole spiritual journey,
Swami – the name itself starts working in our subconscious level,
Finally end up in purifying even the bottom most layer of our mind.
Strong desire to enjoy materialistic life restrict me from having perfect devotion,
Swami only is taking care in purifying this sinful soul in His own creation.

With an excellent example, Lord Krishna tried to make us understand,
The ultimate idea of contemporary human incarnation in life and its importance.

He said, if we want to clean the dust on a lump of gold, we will just wipe it off,
If some more impurities remain after this, we need to melt the lump.
To do this, we are bound to approach a goldsmith who will melt with a lamp,
And finally, he will be able to separate the real gold, saving it from dump.

Similarly, just by living justified life, mixing with good people and practicing good deeds,
We can purify at the most the outer layer of our mind.
But to remove the impurity permanently from even the subconscious mind,
We need to catch Sadguru in the form of contemporary human incarnation,
Who only can grace us with a proper and pure mind without any reason.

Sadguru, not only can take care of present birth, but also past and future too,
Till the moment impurities are removed, He will not leave us by His own virtue.
Swami, You keep making me laughingly pass all my worldly difficulties,
And since You are my God, You hold blind me to walk in deep darkness.

I am experiencing these developments slowly with Your grace, O my Sadguru!
You are none other than the direct incarnation of Lord Datta, my real Guru,
Who has come down for uplifting all, who want to get uplifted and become pure.

I am the machine and You are the machine operator,
I being the chariot and You are my charioteer.
In whichever way You drive it, I will move accordingly,
As You, Shri Venugopala Krishnamurthy can never do anything wrongly,

I am surrendering to You as it is beyond my capability to maintain myself,
At that point where You have taken me by Your reasonless kindness on myself
O Lord Datta, please take this responsibility too along with Your other duties,
I don’t mind whether You drop me or hold me there with Your own virtue.

Each and every day, I experience new lessons that helps me improve spiritually,
As You are my Sadguru, I feel each day as Guru Purnima day seriously.
You made me experience practically that there is no special day to concentrate on God really,
For which this soul was waiting eagerly to happen in this birth very impatiently.
This wish too You fulfilled, O Guru Datta, the Unimaginable Parabrahman,
No more words, only bowing down with reverence and love, beyond imagination.

Let my head be always at the feet dust of Your divine lotus feet,
Let all my pride to sink in the happy tears through which You come to me,
Let me not propagate selfish myself in any of my own work,
Let Your wish only get fulfilled in this small life of this soul.
