Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 27 May 2024


Reply to the poem 'Swami-The Sweetest Scolder' of Smt. Chhanda

(Poem by Smt. Chhanda is enclosed. Click here to read)

Swami replied:-

1)  God in human form will help the real devotees by altering the punishment, which is very convenient to the devotee so that the devotee feels that he is not punished at all while undergoing the alternative punishment that is accepted in the divine constitution. The example for this is a rich business man pulling the railway chain is punished by a fine of 1000 rupees and a poor beggar doing the same is punished by six months imprisonment getting free food for that period. God’s grace avoided imprisonment for the rich man and fine for the poor man.

2)  God in human form will help the climax devotees by suffering the punishment of the devotee with full pleasure so that even the devotee does not know this fact personally. Of course, while doing miracles the incarnation of God proves the transfer of the punishment of some climax devotees so that the proof for the existence of such possibility present with God is made known to all devotees as an important concept. Once this purpose is over, God will not publicize this miracle in the case of every climax devotee. God simply performs this miracle most confidentially because announcement of such miracle in the case of any climax devotee may lead to the misunderstanding that God has an intention of business devotion and hence, He is often publicizing this miracle.

3)  You should be aware of yourself. a) If you are not a devotee, help from God will not come to you at all and neither you should worry nor I should worry for anything in this case. b) If you are a real devotee, God will reduce the intensity of your punishment by altering the way of punishment to the most convenient side so that even though you are punished, you are not actually punished since you don’t feel the suffering of punishment even a trace. c) If you are a climax devotee, God will suffer by taking your punishments. These three are the established rules of God’s constitution. You yourself decide through your sharp analysis to which group you belong so that the result can be simultaneously understood by you. The problem is now very simple because there is no personal exemption for any case to be treated as exceptional. If you understand this clearly, there is no need of any discussion on this issue. This is the general policy of God Datta from the beginning of this creation, which will run eternally. Therefore, I requested you not to raise any issue on this topic. If you are covered under this general divine policy, you have to accept the corresponding result from God, whether it is positive or negative. The result for real and climax devotees is positive and the result for a non-devotee is negative. You will get the solution of your worry once you analyze yourself and fit yourself in one of these three above mentioned groups. The result is inevitable because it is the divine constitution.

4)  Scolding is always harsh and hurts the hearts of souls even if they are devoted. The devotees, who understand that God scolds only for their welfare and not to satisfy His sadism, will take the scolding as a very lovable sweet. The devotees, who do not understand this truth will take the scolding as the most pungent hot dish and suffer with pain. The duty of God as friend, philosopher and guide is over once He scolds the devotee in Pravrutti or Nivrutti. Divine scolding is only a red signal for the devotees to be very very careful about the effects of misunderstanding the best worldly or spiritual concept. After scolding, God will keep silent because His duty as guide is over. The rest depends on the fate of the devotee.

5)  You may doubt that devotees will prefer to be real devotees and not climax devotees because in the case of climax devotees, God is suffering for the sake of the climax devotee and the devotee does not want this to happen. Suppose you have your aunty, whom you like very much. She came to your house as a guest and she is like your God (Atithi Devo bhava). You like only sweets being a Bengali. Your aunty stayed in A.P. for a long time and is very much accustomed to hot dishes and she informed that point to you. Now, will you prepare only sweets and serve her because you like sweets very much or will you prepare some hot dishes also and serve her because she likes hot dishes very much? Do you give importance to your liking or to her liking? Do you want to please yourself or to please God? God is bored with sweets in the upper world because every devotee serves Him there with climax love. He came to earth to enjoy hot dishes. Shishupaala scolded God Krishna 100 times continuously and God Krishna was so much pleased (as indicated by His continuous smile) that He merged the soul of Shishupaala in Him and this was witnessed by everybody present there. You must see the pleasure of God as your ultimate goal and not your pleasure. Moreover, this is not a business devotion at all since neither you aspired for the transfer of your suffering to God nor God announced to you that He will suffer for your punishment due to some service or sacrifice done by you. In such free atmosphere, when God is pleased to enjoy the hot dish, why do you force the sweet dish on Him about which He is very much bored? If you force Him to enjoy the sweet dish offered by you, He will really suffer and this means that your ultimate goal is only to pain Him and not to please Him!

6)  I am giving all this information to you as per the Right to Information (RTI) Act. You have every right for information and also have every right to file a case on the given information in court. This is possible in Pravrutti. In Nivrutti and even in Pravrutti matters involving God, the unfortunate situation is that the director of information department and the judge of the court are one and the same God. God is also the establisher and protector of justice alone (Dharma saṃsthāpanārthāya…, Dharmasya Prabhuracyutaḥ). In such a case, what is the use of getting information from God because whatever God does is always justified, justified, justified, justified, justified, justified… . For a perfectly justified concept that is perfectly implemented by God, what is the use of the information of such concept except getting self-satisfaction and self-pleasure? From this point of your self-satisfaction and self-pleasure only, I am giving you this information.

7)  In spite of all this the Ramayanam told by Me, suppose you say that you suffer for the suffering of God because of your true love to God, in such a case, show the true love through practical devotion since false love can only be shown through mere theoretical devotion. We say that theoretical devotion is the mother (source) of practical devotion. This means that if your theoretical devotion is true, it should yield  practical devotion. Since your theoretical devotion is not yielding practical devotion, the clear conclusion is that your theoretical devotion is not true at all and it is utterly false. Hence, we conclude that practical devotion (Karma Yoga) is the real proof of real theoretical devotion. If the theoretical devotion (Bhakti Yoga) is not true, it must be because its source called spiritual knowledge (Jnaana Yoga) was false, which was not given by the Sadguru. When this total analysis is given, a greedy devotee repeatedly telling that he is suffering for the suffering of God will run away at once! Suffering is clearly a part of theoretical devotion only and mere theoretical devotion is always false love since practical devotion alone is the real proof for theoretical devotion. I am telling this point in general keeping the entire world of devotees in My view and this does not apply to you because you have already broken the record in practical devotion. Hence, you be satisfied with My explanation given in the above point number 6.

8)  Guiding you in the spiritual path makes My status equal to that of a poor boy, who happens to be the friend of a royal boy (prince). If the poor boy goes to play with the royal boy, the royal boy says to the poor boy, “How much egoistic you are? You want to play with me! What is your status and what is my status?”. If the poor boy drops playing with the royal boy, the royal boy says to the poor boy, “How much egoistic you are? You don’t want to play with me even though I am a royal boy! You are not caring for me at all”. You fight with me in every direction I approach you. You are Physics, the most intense radiation! I am Chemistry, the matter, which is a mild stone. What will be the fate of the mild stone coming in contact with the radiation coming out of nuclear fusion that comes out from the reactor? By this time, the state of My feeling of realization of truth is that I am a small human devotee and you are the most complete incarnation of Aadiparaashakti, coming straight from Dakshineshwar temple of Kolkata!!!


Swami – The Sweetest Scolder

(A poem on His Holiness Shri Datta Swami by Smt. Chhanda)


As the days are passing, each and every moment,
Your presence becomes more and more intense, beautiful becomes each incident.
I am a soul who does not have any courtesy (manner) at all,
Spontaneously (naturally) I do all improper things with You also as a natural rule.
As I have practiced always in my Pravrutti (worldly life),
Hence, this automatically gets extended to Nivrutti (spiritual life).
So many times, I say sorry to You, Swami,
You always forgive me with the sweetest smile.

There is no end to my wrong doings,
And there is no end to Your forgiving.
What a fortune You have blessed me my Bhagwan,
That I sometimes take You for granted as I am the most ignorant one.

Sometimes with infinite love, You call me as ‘Raakshasi’ (female demon),
I find myself on top of world when You say, “you are going to eat Me”, so lovingly!
When You call me by another name ‘Terrorist’,
I really consider myself as the most fortunate (lucky).

As a terrorist, I don’t have any list of targets (goal),
You are the only target as there is no second to You that gets fitted in the list.
I beg to You that let me be that terrorist forever,
With only one condition that every time You be the target, none other.

What an immense love You showered on me,
That I am always lost in Your thoughts all the time.
You taught me how Godly thinking makes our lives fully tension-free,
I say very selfishly that I don’t want to come out of these thoughts that has grown like a tree.

Godly thoughts are so sacred that I get inspired automatically,
Why should I bother about worldly things when You gave everything materialistically?
(materialistically: worldly)
Even a single concept from Your infinite discourses,
Keeps me immersed in positive thoughts and always gives the feel of divine force.

For these moments, to be felt in my life, I have been waiting so eagerly,
Now when You blessed me all these, please tolerate (bear) me patiently.
Sometimes when I get a good scold from You, my Swami,
I become the happiest one to feel Your closeness to me.

From childhood, I observed, most souls scolded me for their own selfish requirements,
I used to think ‘Will there be no one who will scold for my real fault and fulfil those gaps?’.
Parents explained that even scolding becomes sweet from someone who loves us really,
I wanted to experience that sweetness in my life too, very strongly.

There were of course few people in my life who really loved me the way I was,
Even they were the blessings from You, I now realize.
I wondered, there must be some divine purpose behind such unselfish love,
Now I understand that it was a stepping stone in the process of learning how to love God.

You have arranged everything silently in my pathway,
Without understanding, I was carried away by the divine force in the proper way.
Again, it is a lesson that whatever You do is for my benefit only,
As there can never be any benefit to You, however good we may be.

That day when You scolded me Swami, I was laughing internally,
I was so satisfied to get it as my dream got fulfilled so beautifully.
By this scolding, even if You get an iota (bit) of pleasure,
I will request You to please keep on continue this forever.

Outwardly, for sometime, Your scolding made me feel little puzzled (confused),
Next day got my answer that You are suffering for my sins, left me amazed (shocked).
To suffer my sin, scolding was an act that You played most perfectly,
So that I don’t get any opportunity to fight with You for not taking the same, very brilliantly.

You said that You transferred my sin onto You by Your wish only, very lovingly,
And also advised me not to worry at all for this as You have taken it pleasurably (with enjoyment).
Even then when I fought with You again,
You made me silent by saying that it is only external, no internal pain.

But Swami, tell me how selfish I am if I take this so carelessly,
My God is suffering on my behalf, satisfying the deity of justice very logically.
Whatever reason You may give, O my Swami!
I can’t stay worry-free at all, as it really pains me.

I know any logic I put, You have always much better counter-logic,
My capacity is very limited and nothing is going to work on You like magic.
I tried to fight my best but everything went in vain,
The final result is nothing but Your mental pain.

Can I ever forgive myself for this act of mine,
Though I have no option, but to accept my most divine.
It is very true that I wanted to be very close to You, my Ultimate Krishna!
But never desired this transfer of my sin on You, O Madhusudana.
I am really helpless in not able to convince You, this being the very nature of Yours,
You are really gracing me a feeling of blissfulness with tears filled in my eyes.
People used to narrate all such stories in various devotees’ lives,
Little did I know that You Yourself will come and give me this experience, sacred becomes my life.

I have no idea in what way I can give You at least some pleasure,
Still want to serve You in all possible ways, making me the real enjoyer.
I get astonished (shocked) to witness personally this experience wonderful,
No idea, what did You see in me, always giving You something that is painful.

Whatever low may be my devotion to You, O Venu Gopala Krishna!
I promise I will put every effort to improve it O Mohana.
If such loving is your reaction for every painful act of mine and that too for no reason,
I can go up to any extent without even a trace of any hesitation(doubt).

In this way, Your scolding becomes an enjoyment for me internally,
You proved Yourself as the sweetest scolder for me, no doubt universally.
Please give me this fortune again and again, to increase my devotion and realize the truth,
But with a request, not to take my sin on You, let me suffer the results of my own deeds.

Prostrating at Your divine feet is too small to express my love for You, O Venu Gopala Krishna Murthy,
I just can’t stay without loving You, whatever may be the response from You with the utmost purity.
