Shri Dattaguru Bhagavat Gita: Brahma Khanda: Chapter-1
Song of Preacher-God Shri Datta
Part-1: Brahma Khanda (Part of Brahma)
Chapter 1 – DATTADARŚANA YOGAḤ (Divine Vision of Shri Datta)
[March 29, 2018] [Shri Datta Swami did penance at the holy temple of Shri Datta situated in the cave of hill at Yatitapahsthala for three days without food, water and sleep. On the fourth day, Shri Datta appeared before Him and the divine conversation between both was composed by Shri Datta Swami in Sanskrit verses in the form of this book, having sixteen chapters equally distributed in four parts called as Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva and Kaalabhairava Khandas. My grandfather (Ch. Balakrishna Murthy) and grandmother (Smt. Bhavani) printed this book with Telugu translation given by Shri Datta Swami and propagated it in Andhra Pradesh. Now, on the request of devotees, Shri Datta Swami translated it into English version as given below. Sanskrit verses shall be added in due course. —K. Pavan Kumar]
Shri Balakrishna Murthy and Bhavani spoke:-
- Shri Datta Guru Bhagavat Gita composed by Shri Datta Swami originally called as Shri Venugopala Krishna, who claimed Himself as the disciple of Shri Datta, is printed by us for propagation in the service of Shri Datta.
- Shri Datta Swami being our spiritual preacher ordered us to propagate this book and we will do it. To read this book, there is no restriction of caste, gender, religion and age. All are eligible.
- This book is wonderful divine nectar, the conversation between preacher Datta and His disciple Datta Swami. Let all drink it. All their sins shall be destroyed in one moment.
- Shri Datta Swami did penance for three days in the holy place called as Yatitapahsthala (Ettipotala). The true preacher, God Datta, appeared before Him.
- It is topmost wonderful vision, which can be understood by experience only. In the view of Shri Datta Swami, the entire world disappeared except Himself and God Datta.
- The beauty, shining and scent of God Dattatreya was unimaginable! In the circle of lightenings stands Lord Datta with His three faces and six hands.
- Due to immense excitement, Shri Datta Swami forgot even to stand up! He praised the Lord through the following spontaneous prayer.
- Salutations to You, God Dattatreya, who is the source of three divine forms, called as Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, having three faces resembling lotus flowers.
- Salutations to You, God Dattatreya, who is having mixed colour of red, blue and white colours and who is the single fortune of divine mother called as Anasuya.
- Salutations to You, God Dattatreya, who is bearing conch-shell, Wheel, Damaruka (sound instrument), Trishula (weapon with three edged tip), Kamandalu (small vessel containing holy water) and garland of beads with six hands.
- Salutations to You, God Dattatreya, who is creating, maintaining and destroying this world just by will and who is the real internal form of all divine forms of God.
- Salutations to You, God Dattatreya, who is preacher to preachers, scripture to scriptures and explanation to explanations.
- Salutations to You, God Dattatreya, who is appearing as small boy and mad person to play with devotees and who is the only goal of devotees having no worldly bonds.
- Salutations to You, God Dattatreya, who is having the eyes looking like oceans generating rivers (sea water evaporates becoming cloud, which rains and generates rivers) of kindness and who appears just by one call given with real devotion.
- Salutations to You, God Dattatreya, who is moving around all this earth in order to uplift His devotees and who is capable of giving possible and impossible boons.
- This holy prayer on Shri God Dattatreya, spontaneously composed by the poet Krishna (Datta Swami), yields eternal fruit to the readers here and there.
- After hearing this prayer, God-preacher Dattatreya showed sweet smile on the gracious face-lotus flowers and spoke in the following way with sweet flute voice coming from His throat.
God-preacher Shri Datta spoke:-
- Oh! Kaashyapa (Gotra of Datta Swami)! What do You want among the worldly boons like longevity, health, wealth etc.? Shall I give You the eight miraculous powers by which You will be worshipped in this world?
Disciple of Datta (Datta Swami) spoke:-
- Oh! Preacher-Lord! No word is coming out from My mouth. All My sight and energy are concentrated on You only experiencing Your divine vision.
- I don’t want to see anything else after seeing You. Hence, let Me be liberated from this world in this moment itself and dissolve in You. Give Me this one boon only.
God-preacher Shri Datta spoke:-
- Your boon proves that You have all Your love on Me only. I am pleased. But, this boon was asked by several devotees. Yet, I never granted this boon to any one at any time.
- I will tell You the reason for this. If You dissolve in Me, You are disappearing forever. When You are dissolving in Me, I am not increasing in volume like the water in the pot increasing by addition of some more little water since I am beyond the concepts of increase and decrease.
- You are My disciple and devotee. How can I agree to Your total disappearance? If You become My servant in this world, that is true salvation in My view.
- Escaping from world is not salvation. Liberation from selfishness is the true salvation. You can liberate Yourself from the cycle of deeds by doing one deed, which is the work in My service.
- The soul itself is a form of work only. Work (deeds) can be destroyed by work (My service) only. The liberated souls are always involved in doing My service alone.
- I will liberate only My servant from the bond of deeds. A bonded person can never do My service. A bonded person can never liberate other souls from their bonds. Bond is the misery generated by birth here and by death to experience misery there.
- My servant is always involved in My service, which is the liberation of souls and is also born and dies here like any other soul. But, My servant is not touched by misery. My servant always accompanies Me here in My service.
- Birth is wearing new cloth (body). Death is leaving the old cloth. Nobody is worried in leaving old cloth to wear new cloth. Hence, My servant is always happy towards birth and death.
- This arrangement involving birth and death is inevitable to do service to various devotees existing in various countries in various times. The soul also needs rest-intervals while doing this continuous service.
- Propagate My spiritual knowledge. Uplift Your brothers and sisters. I am the Father, Mother and Preacher for all the souls. I said this in the Veda (Mātṛdevo bhava), which means that let God be Your mother. This statement is taken in reverse sense to mean that let mother be Your God. Similarly, the Vedic statements exist in the same sense for father and preacher also. As per grammar both meanings are possible through bahuvriihi and karmadhaaraya samaasas respectively. The first meaning shall be taken in Nivrutti and second meaning shall be taken in Pravrutti).
- Always do the proper service needed by Your preacher and not the improper service desired by You! If Your preacher is hungry, will You worship Him by applying sandal paste on His forehead?
- In this Kali age, basic true knowledge is the need of the hour. Enough devotion exists. Enough sacrifice and service exist. Right direction towards right goal is absent due to wrong knowledge in which case, devotion, sacrifice and service become waste in wrong path leading to wrong goal. The souls are suffering with the most dangerous disease called as selfishness. Spiritual knowledge is the only medicine that can cure it.
- Devotion, sacrifice, service, concentration through meditation on one goal and singing devotional songs with tears are growing tremendously day by day! But, the basis of all these spiritual efforts is selfishness only, which is aspiration for some selfish fruit!!
- What is the use of growing these efforts, which are already growing by themselves? Growing these is giving sweet to sugar patient. The sugar patient also likes the sweet. The sweet is poison to such patient.
- You are My servant like a compounder or junior doctor working under a chief doctor. You shall not take independent decisions without the instructions from Me, the chief doctor. If You grow these since the patient likes these, You are killing patients and becoming responsible for the total distruction.
- Don’t misunderstand that propagation of My spiritual knowledge is service of God and service of other souls. If You analyze deeply, it is only Your service by serving Yourself! By propagation of knowledge heard to others, the knowledge gets more and more assimilated in Yourself leading You in to practice through developed inspiration.
- If You are not in the path of justice and do injustice, all these four (knowledge, devotion, sacrifice and service) become waste and fall down like a palace built without foundation. Demon Ravana was topper in all these four efforts. But, he was totally ruined due to injustice, which is desire for illegal sex.
- Ravana did lot of penance, but, was given severe punishment, the death. All these four can’t convert injustice in to justice. Similarly, Duryodhana was punished for injustice, which is desire for others’ wealth due to greediness. This is the essence of the Ramayana and the Mahaa Bhaarata. I will excuse the ignorant animals and birds for the sins, but not the souls, which are egoistic demons.
- Unless You participate in propagation and debate with devotees (Satsanga), You can’t assimilate knowledge. Demons also studied the spiritual knowledge, but, were destroyed due to lack of assimilation of knowledge since they didn’t participate in My service (propagation and debate). Knowledge and food, not assimilated, create disease.
- Angel does not mean beautiful and demon does not mean ugly in external appearance. They are decided by their minds, which are beautiful and ugly respectively.
- Angels are those souls, who never do sins. Human beings are those, which rectify sins through realization. Demons are those, who do not rectify sins due to ego even though they realize.
- Angels and demons are in human beings only. I punish demons and rectify them at least for some time. I cannot excuse demons because they realize the sins but do not rectify due to ego. Animals and birds are excused since they can’t realize even if taught. Animals and birds exist separately in different forms. Angels and demons are not seen by You separately since they also exist in human beings.
- The sin can’t be destroyed by worship and penance. If You realize the sin and rectify it through repentance in mind, word and practice, I will cancel Your sin.
- You utter Your sin through words before Me and this is called as confession. You must repent for Your sin in Your mind also. Both these are theoretical rectifications only. After this, You shall rectify Your sin in practice if the sin is rectifiable. If the sin is not rectifiable, don’t repeat the sin again in practice. Then only, I shall cancel Your sin (Rectifiable sin is returning the stolen items to the owner. If You kill a living being, it is non-rectifiable and not killing the living being again is its rectification.). In this way, every sin can be cancelled and no punishments are given even for the pending sins since all the sins get cancelled. Remember, all Your miseries are the results of Your sins only.
- If a sin is done and confessed theoretically, only one punishment is given. If You misinterpret Your sin as not sin through Your over-intelligence, double punishment is given. One punishment is for Your sin. The second punishment is for Your misinterpretation or telling a lie that You have not done the sin.
- Confession need not be done before any other human being since every human being is a sinner only differing qualitatively and quantitatively. I have never done any sin anywhere at any time. Hence, confession shall be done before Me. You can take Me with form or without form. I am the unimaginable God expressed in some medium with or without form (form and without form are related to creation only and not to the unimaginable creator).
- Following the path of justice and avoiding path of injustice alone can protect a soul since the constitution of justice is created by Me, God Datta. No other factor like caste, gender, age, religion, race (like human beings, angels etc.,), a specific form of God can protect the soul.
- The Veda says that God is only one doing the three divine activities called as creation, maintenance and destruction of this world. This Vedic definition applies in Me only. I am only one doing the three activities through My three faces. Meditation on unimaginable God is impossible even if lot of effort is done. Hence, it is better to concentrate on this expressed form. If You like formless God only, I can be taken as formless item of creation like space, energy etc. (formless doesn’t mean unimaginable. Imaginable creation exists as items with or without form). This formless expression is also difficult for concentration.
- A thief argues that stealing is not a sin whereas drinking wine is sin. A drunkard argues that drinking wine is not a sin whereas stealing others’ wealth is a sin. Both are different forms of the same sin only. In the previous ages, demons and angels existed separately and hence, I killed demons and protected angels. In this Kali age, the same human being is angel in one time and demon in another time. If I have to kill the demon, I must kill all the humanity, which I will do in the end of this Kali age when all the human beings become full time demons. Meanwhile, I shall try to reform and convert them into angels through this spiritual knowledge.
- By the end of Dvapara age (just before this Kali age) I stopped punishing the sinners through death and the Maha Bhaarata war was the last violence of My Krishna-incarnation. In this Kali age, I started as the incarnation of Buddha with peaceful preaching of spiritual knowledge. Since violence is the topmost sin, I stressed on non-violence since I Myself changed the policy of violence. I will follow this path up to the end of Kali age, when I come as the incarnation of Kalki with full violence under inevitable circumstances. Till the end of Kali age, My sword is spiritual knowledge. When I come as Kalki, My sword will be very powerful electromagnetic energy.
- In the first Kruta age, souls worshipped Me as the unimaginable God through every divine medium. In the second Treta age, I was worshipped as God Brahma, the form of preacher, without the knowledge of unimaginable God. Hence, in the beginning of Treta age, I appeared to sage Atri in this form indicating the internal essential unimaginable God in every divine form. In the third Dvapara age, souls worshipped Me as God Shiva, the father, again without the knowledge of unimaginable God. In this Kali age, souls, fond of materialistic boons worship God Vishnu as Lord Venkateshwara, the Mother (taken in the form of Mohini) again without the knowledge of unimaginable God. Since this age is the last phase, I am again establishing the knowledge of unimaginable God existing in every divine form acting as My medium.
- In Kruta age, all sages were investigating the nature of the unimaginable God. In the beginning of next Treta age, I appeared to sage Atri in this form of medium to establish the Vedic definition that only one God exists in the forms of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva doing all the three divine activities. Then, Atri cried saying ‘obtained’ (Dattah).
- Since all are investigating for the unimaginable God, everybody understood that ‘obtained’ is unimaginable God. For example, all are searching for a gem, which is lost. One fellow found it and shouted ‘obtained’. Since all the other investigators are searching for the gem, they can easily understand that ‘obtained’ is gem. In that context, there is no need of saying ‘gem is obtained’. (Today, nobody is searching for God and hence, can’t understand that ‘obtained (Datta)’ is the original absolute unimaginable God. Some people misunderstand that Datta is a combined incarnation of three divine forms! If father is the son of his son, such concept is correct. Sage Atri has already seen the three divine forms in separate worlds doing the three divine activities separately. He got a doubt that since the Veda says that only one God is doing all these three activities, how can three Gods exist doing each activity separately? Then, he did lot of penance to find out that single God. All the three divine forms appeared and Atri did not accept them since they are three and not one. Hence, his name Atri meaning ‘not three’ became meaningful. Then the root source, God Datta appeared proving the Vedic definition. On the basis of this story (from the Bhagavatam), it is clear that the original true God (Parabrahma) is Datta only and all other Gods are various forms of His divine medium.).
- Hence, Datta is not a name of a new God. It means only obtained or given to the souls through a meaningful medium indicating the total definition of the Veda about God. In that age, since everybody was searching for the original God, everybody knows that ‘obtained’ or ‘given’ is the original unimaginable God.
- “A gem is inert item having no independence and can be obtained. But, God is not inert due to omnipotence (not because He is awareness), in which case, it is not proper to say that God is obtained”—this objection is not valid. Even a non-inert person can say that he is given by himself to somebody due to excess of love. The Veda also says the same (Tena labhyaḥ). In this context, the Veda also says that God is obtained by true devotee, in which case, God reveals His form of medium (Vivṛṇute tanūṃ svām). Since God is completely merged with such form and identifies Himself with such form, such form can be taken as God Himself.
- See these four dogs around My feet, which are the Vedas personified. These four represent the four topmost sages: Sanaka, Sanandana, Sanatkumara and Sanatsujaata. These Vedas continuously discussed about Me without rest and stand tired with vibrating tongues at My feet indicting their failure to express My original nature, choosing final surrender to My feet!
- These four Vedas as dogs are licking My feet. Below My feet, wooden chappals (Padukās) exist. All the sages are below the Vedas and hence, catch My Padukaas. Below sages exist angels and below angels exist human beings.
- See this cow, who is the deity of justice bending his head smelling My feet with his nose through total surrender for protection from Me. This deity is rigid in giving the fruit of a deed to the doer and developed ego of his unavoidable right. Now, this male deity became female cow on losing his ego!
- This male god of justice thought that even I am incompetent to destroy the fruit of a deed and became proud since the inevitable implementation of fruits of deeds is in his hand. He gave longevity to the husband of Savitri violating the constitution of deeds since she praised him. He was insisting to kill sage Maarkandeya, who praised Me and not him! Hence, I appeared and killed this deity. On the request of angels, I gave life again to him. Since then, he lost ego and became female animal (cow) leaving his male-angel form surrendering to My feet completely!
- Hence, the constitution of justice and injustice composed by Me is eternal and most important commandment given by Me, which shall be followed by every soul in any world. These four Vedas protect this constitution as watching dogs, which stand before the cow and the cow stands behind Me indicating that I am the Lord of justice. I am giving protection to both cow (justice) and dogs (scriptures).
- I am standing taking the cow as My back support indicating that even I am based on the constitution only since the rule maker will follow the rule strictly. The white colour of the cow indicates the purity of justice. This entire world including spiritual aspirants and spiritually ripened is based on justice only.
- What is justice? and what is injustice? –for this, You need not refer so many books. The definitions of justice and injustice can be given in very simple way. That, which pleases God Datta, is justice. That, which displeases God Datta, is injustice.
- If You harm good living beings, I become furious towards You. If You please good living beings, I am pleased with You. You can’t say that sage Vyaasa meeting with Ambika and Ambaalika to generate issues did injustice because his mother and the departed husband—souls (of Ambika and Ambaalika) prayed sage Vyaasa for this help. No good living being including Ambika and Ambaalika (who were very happy to get sons) is pained or displeased by such act. Hence, it is not a sin and moreover, is a good deed only since all good living beings were pleased. The detection of injustice is based only on the displeasing or hurting or paining (with violence) the good living beings.
- In absolute plane, there is no second item other than Me. This absolute plane is restricted to My view only and not to the view of any souls. The Veda says about such absolute plane only while saying that God alone is the truth and anything other than God is not true. The Gita also says that everything other than God is not true (Mattaḥ parataram). Hence, don’t think of such meaningless salvation supporting that if the non-existent soul totally disappears, nothing is lost. The soul is true and existent in the relative plane, which is true and relevant to any soul.
- I am called as Hiranyagarbha if You view Me mediated with awareness. I am called as Viraat if You view Me mediated with inert energy. I am called as Vishva if You view Me mediated with inert matter. I am called as Vishvarupa if You view Me mediated with the entire world containing all the above three forms of medium (awareness, energy and matter).
First Chapter is completed.
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