Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 10 Feb 2022


Significance of the planets Rahu and Ketu in spirituality

1. In the recent Satsanga, You explained the significance of role played by Rahu & Ketu. Please give an elaboration.

[Shri Anil asked: Padanamaskaram Swami, please answer the following questions-at Your Lotus Feet -anil. Swami, in the recent Satsanga, You explained the significance of the role played by Rahu & Ketu (race of demons), Sani (Saturn) and Mars in giving salvation to a person. I request You to give an elaboration on the same as a discourse.]

Swami replied: Please read the answer given in the previous discourse (Click here).

2. Why are fried blackgram and horsegram given as a remedy to please Rahu and Ketu respectively?

Swami replied: These aspects come under astrology, which is a subject belonging to the sayings of great devotees like sages and their devotion is always linked with the unimaginable domain. Here, the general concept is to donate food to hungry beggars. The specific nature of a grain related to a planet is not very important and can be followed because such following is not going to affect the basic concept. If the basic concept is affected, then, such statement can be rejected as an insertion of some mischievous person in the scriptures written by the sages. Even if you neglect the specific selection of grains in relationship with a planet, it does not matter that much if you offer some food to a hungry beggar in the name of God. In the name of unimaginable God, atrocities and exploitations shall not take place. If there is no such basic danger, following what the sages said literally does not matter at all. You can take the aim of the sages as donation of special food items prepared from specific grains instead of the routine food which the beggar gets almost everywhere.  
