Shri Datta Swami

 29 Aug 2024


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Do Astrology and Horoscope benefit humans in worldly and spiritual life?

[Smt. Anita asked:- Since humans are  a mixture of good and bad actions, they are dependent more on Astrology and Horoscope for their well-being for different reasons. Does it benefit them in worldly and spiritual life as Samskaras too are a part of souls? Do comment Swamiji 🙏 Always At Your Holi Divine Feet 🙏🙇‍♀️🙏 Anita]

Swami replied:- Astrology certainly helps ordinary devotees because their deficiency in their devotion to God can be compensated by astrology. Only climax devotees need not bother about astrology because God protects them with full care. Astrology introduces planets having unimaginable miraculous powers granted by God and this leads to the belief in the existence of the unimaginable God. For the pacification of planets, divine forms of God are recommended for worship. God Sun (Suryanarayana, a form of God Vishnu) for sun; Goddess Lakshmi for Moon and Venus; God Subrahmanya for Mars, Rahu and Ketu; God Shiva, God Vishnu and God Hanuman for Saturn; God Shiva for Jupiter and God Vishnu for Mercury are recommended for worship. Thus, Astrology leads to devotion to God. Astrology also recommends charity of some specific foods to beggars for pacifying various planets like wheat food for Sun, rice, milk and sugar for Moon, red gram for Mars, green gram for Mercury, Chickpea for Jupiter, Cowpeas for Venus, Sesame seeds for Saturn, Black gram for Rahu and Horse gram for Ketu are recommended. This introduces the charity of fruit of work to be done for beggars, which is the most fundamental aspect of the spiritual path.

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