Shri Datta Swami

 11 Aug 2019


Swami answers devotees' questions

1) How can I increase my devotion so that God will enter my subtle body?

Shri Dixitkumar Aboti asked: Please guide me on increasing my attraction to God so that He can enter in to my subtle body and elevate my consciousness to a high state of being.

Swami replied: O Learned and Devoted Servants of God! I can certainly advise you on increasing your devotion in the correct direction by giving you true spiritual knowledge. Initially, you have to make some effort to withdraw yourself from your worldly bonds. This is called the stage of pratyāhāra. By partially withdrawing from worldly bonds in this way, you can remain in a peaceful and congenial divine atmosphere, as suggested in the Gita (Tatraikāgraṃ manaḥ kṛtvā…). In the course of time, your devotion for God will increase tremendously as you get better and better acquainted with God’s divine personality through true spiritual knowledge. It will help you progress spiritually, as time proceeds and you will certainly be saved by God. God never enters the subtle body. The subtle body is associated with the individual soul in the dream state when the individual soul enjoys the dream. The subtle body also leaves the gross body at the time of death. The inner consciousness (individual soul) stays in gross body as well as in the subtle body and it is nothing but a store of all the strong qualities accumulated over several births. This inner consciousness has nothing to do with God. Hence, only the first part of your question regarding increasing devotion is relevant for your progress. So, My advice to you is that only true spiritual knowledge, which is to be learned in a peaceful atmosphere, will increase your devotion.

2) Shri Balaji Joshi asked: Hi Gurudev, one of your duty answers my question on Quora. I would like to know about energy and how is it working for us. if you don't mind can I call you I need your contact number. Thank you so much. Balaji Joshi. By, Balaji Joshi

Swami replied:- My phone number is +91 9603311454.

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