Shri Datta Swami

 30 Jul 2024


What is the difference between Dharma and Dharma Suukshma?

[Smt. Chhanda asked: Paadanamaskaram Swami. Please explain ‘What is Suukshma Dharma? Can it be different from dharma?’At Your divine lotus feet always, Chhanda]

Swami replied:- Dharma or justice is like this gross body made of matter that can be seen by anybody. Dharma Suukshma is like the subtle body made of subtle energy that leaves this gross body at the time of death and this is not seen by anybody. Only people having the grace of God can see the subtle body. Similarly, the subtle justice can be found only by scholars having the grace of God. Sometimes, the hidden subtle justice appears like injustice to ordinary people just like the subtle body appears as nothing to ordinary people. Arjuna found the killing of his grandfather Bhishma and the killing of his teacher Drona as injustice. But, God Krishna preached the same as justice. Establishing justice and condemning injustice pleases God. The worldly bonds with human beings are unreal because that which did not exist in the past and the same that will not exist in the future does not exist in the present also.

A cinema shooting bond between two actors was unreal before the shooting and will be unreal after the shooting. Such a bond is also unreal in the time of shooting also. A worldly bond, which appears real in this birth, did not exist in the previous birth and will not exist in the future birth. Such a worldly bond is unreal in the present birth also. But, the bond with God is always real for any soul throughout all the births. Hence, pleasing God is the most important duty for any devotee. Similarly, Bhishma and Drona falsely appear as grandfather and teacher since any worldly bond is unreal in all the three times (past, present and future). These false worldly bonds conflict with both, who are actually sinners supporting the side of injustice. Hence, killing both of them in the war is subtle justice that contradicts the gross justice, which is that both should not be killed since they are grandfather and teacher. Thus, subtle justice contradicts the gross justice. Subtle is always more valuable than gross. Gross is clearly seen by anybody, whereas subtle is seen by God or devotees having God’s grace.

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