Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 16 Jun 2021


Swami Answers Devotees' Questions

1. I want to be associated with this ocean of spiritual knowledge. Please include me. By, Chhanda Chandra

[A question by Mrs. Chhanda Chandra]

Swāmi replied:- Yes. You are included.

2. Is serving the poor people right or wrong?

["On the lotus feet of Swāmi" For a long time I have this query. Please make mind clear. My query is, “If I try to give some efforts in the service of poor people to remove the suffering, will it be right or wrong? Reason of confusion is that Swāmi Vivekānanda said that if we serve the Daridranārāyaṇa, we serve God." By, Chhanda Chandra]

Swāmi replied:- The lower strata of the poor people are beggars dying with hunger. Your service must start from that lowest level of poor people since these beggars are poorest. When the poorest are rose to the upper poorer level, then, you must start serving the poorer people so that the poorer level is raised to the poor level. Then, you must start serving the poor level so that the poor level is raised to the rich level. While doing charity, the Veda says that one must have “Samvit” or knowledge of discrimination (Samvidā deyam- Veda).

3. What is practical Bhakti and Theoretical Bhakti?

[A question by Mrs. Latika Chawda, Wardha (Maharashtra)]

Swāmi replied:- Theoretical Bhakti is to have Spiritual knowledge that generates mental inspiration. Practical Bhakti is to serve the deserving people and to sacrifice to them.

4. What to do in a situation when Śrī Sadguru Himself tests us, coz until now His Holiness was helping us to write or give answers of tests?

[A question by Mrs. Latika Chawda, Wardha (Maharashtra)]

Swāmi Replied:- Sadguru is the ultimate God Himself. He gives knowledge (Jñānayoga) to develop inspiration (Bhaktiyoga). This shall lead you to the practical devotion (Karmayoga), which is Service and Sacrifice. Sadguru will test you when you have entered Karmayoga, which is the actual path of journey towards the ultimate Divine goal. These tests will help you to know the actual extent of distance travelled by you in the path. This is the whole Divine programme of any incarnation.

5. Willing to know more about Atri Rushi...

[A question by Mrs. Latika Chawda, Wardha (Maharashtra)]

Swāmi replied:- Atri means the soul not having the three types of ego:- 1) Sāttvika ego, which is the ego of knowledge. 2) Rājasika ego, which is the ego of power and activity and 3) Tāmasika ego, which is the ego of associated power like followers, wealth etc. Anasūyā means the soul not having jealousy. Datta means God attained by a soul not having both ego and jealousy. If both these defects are conquered, energetic being catches the energetic incarnation and human being catches the human incarnation because by crossing these two defects, the repulsion between common media of God and devotee is crossed.
