07 Mar 2025
1. I am thinking of 5 headed serpent. Is it teaching me anything?
[Ms. Amudha Sambath asked:- Padanamaskaram Swami, I am feeling or coming to my mind of 5 headed serpent, Swami, does it teaching me or guiding any. Or it's a thought to not consider. At Your Divine Lotus Feet Your servant 🙇🏻♀️🙏🏻]
Swami replied:- Five-headed serpent indicates that your head (thinking) is always related to the five inert elements that constitute this creation. You must divert your mind to God Krishna, who danced on the heads of Kaliiya serpent suppressing the ego of the creation.
2. Is it a sin to give steroids to cows to extract more milk?
[Shri Divakara Rao asked:- Pada namaskaram Swami, Please clarify the below doubts Swami. Is it a sin to give steroids to cows to extract more milk to fulfill the public demand? What is your view on it Swami?]
Swami replied:- It is certainly a sin to apply pressure to the body of the cow to extract more milk than the quantity allowed by the usual natural health.
3. Is it ok to kill the mosquitos since they are the cause of many diseases?
[Mosquitos are the cause for so many diseases. Is it ok to kill the mosquitos in this regard or does the accumulation of sin happen to the individual who kills the mosquitos? Thank You Swami. Regards, Divakara Rao.]
Swami replied:- Since it damages your health by which you are disturbed to concentrate on God, there is no sin in killing the mosquito. Shri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa used to kill the bed-bugs on the cot and He used to say “I will kill these bugs that disturb Me from My concentration towards God while I sit on this cot meditating on God”.
4. Is control of depression in my hand or is it as per my karma?
[Ms. Bhanu Samykya asked:- Padanamaskaram Swami, I'm unable to come out of depression how much ever I try and whatever I do. At the end only after crying I'm able to have peace of mind. Untill then I'm unable to focus on anything. To control this depression is it in my control but I'm not doing it? Or is it my karma that I cannot control and should leave it? Is there anything that I can do to come out of this thinking pattern? Thank You Swami for everything that You are doing for me. - At Your Divine Lotus Feet, Bhanu Samykya.]
Swami replied:- When the soul fails to succeed in an effort, such soul should take the help of God to get success in that effort. Pray God Anjaneya everyday, who is very famous in giving success in any effort and also the only source of courage and concentration. You must divert your self-confidence to God-confidence.
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