Shri Datta Swami

 18 Aug 2024


Swami answers questions of Ms. Purnima

[Ms. Purnima asked:- ]

1. If we slip this human birth and enter the cycle of births of animals, is there any hope to come back to human birth?

Swami replied:- It is almost impossible. A soul gets animal-birth based on the answer of the soul given to the question of God, which is “What have you done in the previous human birth?” If the human soul replies “I have eaten 100 tonnes of rice, 50 tonnes of pulses and 25 tonnes of vegetables. I have drunk water and other drinks. I have generated issues and every day, I have slept well”, then, God replies “These four are common to human beings and animals. Hence, there is no use in giving the precious human birth to you once again. Be born as animal without losing any of these four facilities you had in the previous birth”. Once the soul is born as animal, the soul becomes satisfied with these four facilities and hence, the birth as animal continues forever for the soul. In this human birth, if the soul has progressed in Pravrutti and Nivrutti at least upto 1%, God may consider to sanction another new human birth to the soul so that the soul may progress gradually.

2. God Krishna had 16,108 wives. How is this possible for worldly logic?

Swami replied:- Still more power point exists, which is that He produced 10 sons and 1 daughter through each wife except Jambavati, who produced only 1 son called Samba. This means that He has a total of (16,107 x 11 + 1 =) 1,77,178 issues. This miracle itself alone is more than sufficient to say that Krishna is God. Since Krishna knows that the son of Jambavati will destroy all His dynasty, she could not get any issue for a long time. Since God Shiva is necessary for destruction, Krishna did penance for Lord Shiva and got the son, Samba, by the blessing of God Shiva.

3. Why does God allow black magic and give powers to black magicians?

Swami replied:- Black magic is the original power of unimaginable God used in wrong direction. The desire of a black magician is to exploit this black magic in sinful angle, for which, he receives the punishment as usual. The other angle of this black magic is to expose the original unimaginable power of the unimaginable God to the public so that every soul believes the existence of the unimaginable God, who punishes the sins through unimaginable ways. Wide publicity about the existence of unimaginable God is attained through such vast number of evil people trying to attain supernatural powers for their name and fame. God’s good angle is different from the bad angle of demons in this issue. These people doing black magic cause suffering to those souls only, who have to be punished for their sins. Black magic fails in the case of a sinless soul. In this way also, the demon is doing the service of God without such intention but for his own ill intentions, hence the demon is punished by God. Nothing can go wrong in the administration of God.


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