11 Mar 2025
[Ms. Thrylokya asked:-]
1. If we have to pray God every day with a justified desire, what would it be?
Swami replied:- You must pray God to give you food and also give the digestion capacity to digest the food that you have eaten. If you have these both, you have everything in life. You cannot take your wealth with you after death. Even if you have crores of rupees, when you can’t digest the food from your plate, what is the use of your wealth?
2. What did You want Your children to grow up to be?
[Generally, every ordinary parents want their children to become wealthy and respectable in their society. Swami, You also have family and children. When they were kids, what did You want Your children to grow up to be?]
Swami replied:- I wanted My children to always have the blessings of Goddess Annapurna. She is the giver of food not only to the souls in the creation, but also to God Shiva, who begs food from her. When her blessings are there, we will receive food throughout our life and also possess the capacity to digest it. There are many people, who are starving for food due to poverty. There are many rich people, who can buy plenty of food, but, cannot digest it due to various diseases. For a peaceful and satisfied life, we need the blessings of Goddess Annapurna.
3. Swami, how to get the blessings of Goddess Annapurna?
Swami replied:- First, do not waste the food at any cost. Wasting food makes the Goddess furious with you. The Veda says that food shall not be destroyed (Annaṃ na paricakṣīta tat vratam…- Veda). Here, the word ‘Vratam’ is used, which means the worship of God. It is not a suggestion or a best practice. It is a rule that must be followed without fail.
4. Swami, when God Shiva is omnipotent, why should He beg food from His wife, Goddess Annapurna?
Swami replied:- God Shiva is an incarnation, which must follow the properties of the medium without interfering with its properties like hunger etc. The incarnation will never use its supernatural power for selfish purposes.
5. I want to do all as per Your words. Please help me to do it.
[Ms. Thrylokya asked:- Swami, I advised Smt. Amudha to thank God every day remembering all the favours done by God in her life. She shared the following ‘List of Thanks’ along with a personal letter to me. I am presenting that before You for Your kind response. I am giving below her shared letter to me:-
Pada Namaskaaram Swami🙏🏻♥️🌹 You ARE MY LIFE AND Your WORDS ARE MY WISH AND I MAY FAIL BUT I WILL TRY AGAIN AND AGAIN TO REACH You. But Swami, I think it's my ego to say that I will try but I am really ignorant and lazy. Please help me in understanding the knowledge to do it. Let my soul, body, mind, thoughts, action and everything always for You. At Your Divine Lotus Feet ♥️
1. Thank You Swami for giving the human Birth.
2. Thank You Swami for providing longevity (long life).
3. Thank You Swami for good health and body parts.
4. Thank You Swami for showing grace for me. I am such a sinful soul, who does all the worst things.
5. Thank You Swami for the love and grace of me to reveal about Yourself and made me understand it.
6. Thank You Swami for blessing with Spiritual knowledge.
7. Thank You Swami for directing me towards You for such an undeserving soul.
8. Thank You Swami for providing me with a job.
9. Thank You Swami for the roof under my head, clothes, food, money, bike and gold.
10. Thank You Swami for giving Hands in all ways even though I failed a number of times.
11. Thank You Swami for making me do all goodness.
12. Thank You Swami for saving me from dog's bite.
13. Thank You Swami for showing the miracle of smell on Satsanga.
14. Thank You Swami for playing my favourite bhajans on Satsanga.
15. Thank You Swami for the opportunity to see You.
16. Thank You Swami for allowing me to touch Your Divine Lotus Feet.
17. Thank You Swami for the boon "Lord Datta Always with me" without ask.
18. Thank You Swami for guiding me on the worldly life issue.
19. Thank You Swami for saving life when I am ready to give up on me.
20. Thank You Swami for giving me direction to choose the right way and made me courageous.
21. Thank You Swami for making me follow justice after failing a lot of times.
22. Thank You Swami for the boon "I will get a good husband with all" without asking.
23. Thank You Swami for making me stable.
24. Thank You Swami for the kindness to secure my respect and dignity in front of the world.
25. Thank You Swami for giving me focus and concentration to learn the spiritual knowledge and to do work.
26. Thank You Swami for making me feel good when I go out to meet people.
27. Thank You Swami for accepting me with my faults and defects and helping to overcome it.
28. Thank You Swami for helping in getting the ATM card in the right hands.
29. Thank You Swami for keeping me safe and secured.
30. Thank You Swami for the comfortable life.
31. Thank You Swami for all past, present experience.
32. Thank You Swami for always showing unconditional love.
33. Thank You Swami for saving me in bike crashes and accidents.
34. Thank You Swami for saving my job from so many layoffs.
35. Thank You Swami for sending a cow to take laddus when I was looking to serve.
36. Thank You Swami for always being with me.
37. Thank You Swami for holding me still even though I am not useful in anyway.
38. Thank You Swami for the Divine unconditional love towards such a worst fellow like me.
39. Thank You Swami for controlling my mind and emotions for goodness.
40. Thank You Swami for showering peace in my heart with all of the whirlpool world.
41. Thank You Swami for ignoring my wishes and desires for my goodness.
42. Thank You Swami for granting all the wealth.
43. Thank You Swami for the sound mind and body.
44. Thank You Swami for not giving boons to trigger and increase my ego and jealousy.
45. Thank You Swami for keeping me in this place to realise the value of Your presence every day.
46. Thank You Swami for making me stand up when I have lost hope in myself.
47. Thank You Swami for the courage and confidence.
48. Thank You Swami for everyday giving a chance to realise, rectify and not repeat any sin.
49. Thank You Swami for seeing all defects in me and still allowing me to be At Your Divine Lotus Feet.
50. Thank You Swami for the difficulties and pain, which are my fruits of deeds but You are helping me to come out in a hidden way.
51. Thank You Swami for giving peace and bliss to such a selfish soul like me.
Please make me do all as per Your wish and words, Swami🙏🏻♥️I don't have control on me, Swami. Please help Swami Please. My beloved Swami, I am writing this out of my selfish happiness.
Thank You Swami for not giving up on me in any situation even though I am the worst. Only You made me live when I lost hope in me. I don't know, Swami. I felt undeserving for Your grace and love.
Your unconditional love towards me is purely pure and I am lost in it. Please help me to learn and practice Knowledge, Swami. Sometimes, I feel like how to impress You and why I think in this way. I don't know, maybe it's human ignorance that I'm thinking this way. How to get very good from You, Swami!
Swami, You have stood firm on me and always encouraged me to move forward and who never put me down. You have always given hands in everything. Swami, I feel like I am very emotional and attached to You. Sometimes, I feel like I want to be with You always. It's my thoughts or desires or wishes. But, I really want to all as per Your wish and words Swami.
My love towards You is impure and it has defects, but still, Swami, I really don't know how to love selflessly. I am selfish in love always if analysed. I am sorry, Swami. In the past, I was adamant in desires and needs, but now, I want to do all as per Your words. Please help me to do it.
I want to see Your happiness only, Swami.]
Swami replied:- Tell her that I am very much pleased with her list of thanks to God. When the soul prays to God, the soul shall remember all the past favours done by God and this is called as 'remembering the past' (Krutajnataa), which is the expression of gratefulness for the past favours of God. If the soul forgets the past, it is called as 'forgetting the past' (Krutaghnataa). Souls always remember the present burning problems only and run to God to get relief from them. In the mind of every soul, only the present is remembered and not the past at all. After presenting the present in the prayer, the soul may add some future wants also like praying God that no problems should come in the future. Hence, a soul is always aware of the present and the future only and completely forgets the past while the soul prays to God. If the soul remembers the past only and prays to God for the past favours only done by God, God will immediately act regarding the present and future since the present and future were not asked. When 4000 hungry devotees were to be fed on an afternoon and only 4 breads were available, Jesus did not pray God to supply the 4000 breads. He showed the 4 breads to the sky and thanked God for giving those 4 breads. Immediately, the 4 breads became 4000 breads! This is the important message I like to give to all the devotees as a reply to the letter shared by Smt. Amudha to you. There is nothing personal in the case of God. Everything is for the welfare of all the devotees only. I recommend to every devotee to follow this effort of Smt. Amudha by preparing one’s own personal specific list of thanks to God for the past favours done by God to you and pray to God as frequently as possible reading such personal list before the photo of God, you worship. Every devotee must be careful in not presenting the present wants or the future wants. I assuredly tell all the devotees that God will be very much pleased by such prayer.
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