Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 22 Jul 2024


Swami answers questions of Shri Ramakanth

1. Can I learn the first 49 shlokas of Soundarya Lahari being a male?

[Shri Ramakanth asked:- Being a male, can I learn the first 49 shlokas of Soundarya Lahari called Aananda Lahari?]

Swami replied:- Soundarya Lahari deals with the description of the beauty of the Divine Mother. It is better that males avoid it and pray to God Vishnu in the place of the Divine Mother. God Vishnu is the male form of the Divine Mother. If you read only a part of that book, your anxiety will increase to read the remaining part of the book on some day or the other.

2. Can I learn Shri Bhaashyam?

Swami replied:- Reading Shri Bhaashyam alone is not good. Along with it, you must read Shankara Bhaashyam and Madhva Bhaashyam also. It is the best to read the Samanvaya Bhaashyam of Shri Datta Swami, which is the correlation of the above said three commentaries.

3. Should we focus more on increasing the quality or quantity of devotion?

Swami replied:- Quality is always greater than quantity provided the quantity has lower quality. If you maintain the quality constantly, the quantity having the same quality is certainly the best. 100 notes of 100 denomination each (Rs. 10,000/-) are the highest quantity of money. 5 notes of 10 denomination each (Rs. 50/-) are certainly lesser than 1 note of 100 denomination (Rs.100/-). Greater quality with lesser quantity is alright. Lesser quality with higher quantity is also alright. The best is the highest quality with the highest quantity.
