Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 03 Jun 2024


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Swami answers questions of Smt. Anita

1 a) How does a Brahmana, who slipped due to ignorance, attain upliftment in spiritual journey?

[Smt. Anita Renkuntla asked: Jai Guru Datta 🙏 Paada Namaskaram Swamiji 🙏 I Thank You Swamiji from the bottom of my heart for the tremendous infinite knowledge and the way it is explained in the weekend Satsangs. I have some doubts regarding the qualities n deeds of a soul. A good Brahmana who has 80% Sattvam also slips because of a bit of ignorance. He is already in the first place of spiritual line, a) How does he attain upliftment in spiritual journey?]

Swami replied:- You worry about your spiritual journey and your spiritual progress. If that Brahmana is a real Brahmana by his qualities and deeds, God will help him, who is called Yogabhrashta.

b) If he did not get the chance of meeting the Human Incarnation of God, what is his destiny?

Swami replied:- You have met the contemporary human incarnation of God and you think about your fate in the future spiritual progress. When proper time comes, God will attract him towards Him and uplift him.

c) Does a soul in the path of yoga succeed in spiritual journey if there is mismatch of qualities in a family?

[Qualities of souls in a family are not necessarily similar to each other. In case there is mismatch of inherent qualities, does a soul in the path of yoga in that family succeed in spiritual journey?]

Swami replied:- It depends on the determination of the soul. Whether it is its own family or the outside world consisting of friends, it is all one and the same since in any case it is the external surrounding atmosphere that influences the soul. The determination developed by good Tamas will decide the success or defeat of the soul.

d) How does the reformation of the slipped soul take place as he has no memory of the past birth?

[O Kindest Father of this beautiful creation! do enlighten me with Your precious answers and forgive the mistakes at the same time. Thank You Swamiji 🙏🙏🙏 At Your Divine Lotus Feet🙇‍♀️ Anita]

Swami replied:- There is no need of remembering past births because one is fully aware of the qualities of the soul in the present birth. These qualities are accumulated from past births only. Knowledge of one’s qualities means knowledge of previous births only. God has given power to the consciousness to store these qualities, which can be recalled by your memory at any time. After remembering your own qualities, you filter the bad qualities and retain good qualities that are useful in your spiritual effort.
