Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 14 Feb 2022


Swami Answers Shri Anil's Questions

[Shri Anil asked: Padanamaskaram Swami, Kindly answer the following questions, at Your Lotus Feet-anil.

1. What was the nature of the penance the great saints (Gopikas) did in their previous birth for association with God Krishna and their subsequent salvation?]

Swami replied: - The penance done by the Gopikas is simply love, love and love only.

2. My parents object me from Krishna Bhakti. Pls help me.

[Questions from internet forum: 2. My parents stop me from Krishna Bhakti. Should I run away from my house and take samnyas? Pls help me, Please.]

Swami replied: - The opposition force developed is due to the will of God Krishna only. The culvert is not to stop the flow of water, but, to increase the speed of water flow many times over. Every obstruction is a promoter only.

3. Can we overcome depression with spiritual practice?

Swami replied: - In the atmosphere of spiritual practice, depression disappears like winter in the season of summer.

4. Is God's existence dependent on His relationship with us?

Swami replied: - The degree of grasping power of the existence of God varies with the intensity of the relationship with God, but, there is no change in the existence of God.

5. I belong to a Hindu family. Why are the ashes of the dead mixed into the Ganga River? Does it not pollute the river?

Swami replied: - In the final stage of oxidation of substances, I don’t think that there is any pollution.

6. What are the sins a person did in his previous birth because of which he was born to a drunkard father in present life?

Swami replied: - What will you do by knowing the reason? Try to investigate the remedy.

7. Is being a liquor baron a sin in Hinduism?

Swami replied: - You can understand this point through scientific analysis itself and there is no need for spiritual analysis in this point.

8. Can God go against His own will?

Swami replied: - There is no need for such situation in the case of the omniscient and omnipotent God.

9. Why did only Arjuna get doubts about fighting the Mahabharata war which no one else got from the Pandava side?

Swami replied: - Arjuna was neither as balanced as his eldest brother nor as emotional as his elder brother. This is the reason for  Krishna selecting Arjuna to preach the Gita.

10. Can hell still exist without God?

Swami replied: - The constitution written by God is sufficient to run the hell.

11. Is it a son's responsibility to take care of old parents?

Swami replied: - It depends on the distribution of property among the issues.

12. Can science and spirituality coexist to develop a higher level of health?

Swami replied: - They must exist in co-operation with each other due to which only the journey towards truth can take place.

13. How did Judas use Jesus in his life?

Swami replied: - Jesus was helpful in bringing out the reformation in Judas.

14. What did Jesus mean when He says, "God is not the God of the dead"?

Swami replied: - You can do any spiritual effort only while you are alive.

15. What was the reaction in heaven when Jesus said forgive them for they do not know what they're doing during the crucifixion?

Swami replied: - Since Jesus and God are one and the same, the action and reaction become one and the same.

16. If God wanted Adam to be happy, why did He create Eve?

Swami replied: - For everything don’t try to cut the root.
