Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 05 Oct 2022


Swami answers the questions by Shri Satthireddy

1. After punishments in hell, is there any guarantee that the soul will again get human birth or will the soul go to animal births?

[Shri Satthireddy asked: Mee Padapadmalaku namskaram Swami, Swami i am Satthireddy. Swami, after the death of a soul, the soul will go to hell and heaven according to his or her deeds Swami. After the punishments in hell, is there guarantee Swami that they will again get human birth or will the soul go to any animal births? If any incorrections are there in the question, please correct this beggar.]

Swami replied:- It depends on the final judgement of the most powerful and omniscient logic of God. We cannot draw general conclusions in this topic.

2. Why is it told that getting human birth is most precious?

[Swami, some preachers told that getting human birth is most precious and valuable in one context and in another context, it is also told narajanma durlabham. But some animals are doing service to God in temples in some sevas by the grace of Lord Datta Swami and sometimes even some souls who were born like animals also are getting knowledge by the grace of YOU. In some contexts like (Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi had some talks with Lakshmi a cow, and He talked with monkeys and a dog) and while Ganapati Sachidananda Swamiji also talks with some birds around Him. By listening to these contexts, I feel that why a soul should be born as only human being? If Your grace is there, by listening to Your Knowledge, we can easily liberate from bonds and get the grace of Lord Datta Swami. If any mistakes are in the question itself please correct this beggar.]

Swami replied:- The case of those birds and animals is very very rare and you shall not generalize this to every animal and every bird. You must firmly stand on the concept that human birth is very very rare.

3. Can we eat outside peels of fruits?

[Pada Namaskaram Swamiji, I am Sattireddy. Swami, can we eat outside peels of banana, custard apple, papaya, pineapple, watermelon, lychee, orange, mango, lemon, pomegranate, pumpkin, tamarind, jack fruit, sapodilla (sapota in telugu), kiwis etc.? If any corrections are there in the question, please correct this beggar. Sattireddy]

Swami replied:- Any vegetarian food is good for health. You can select the specific vegetarian foods based on the reports of their chemical composition that can be obtained from google search. This can help you to select the required component for the body.

4. What should be we do if the food items are spoiled or any fruits are spoiled?

[Pada Namaskaram Swamiji, Swami should we do any analysis while eating these fruits because nowadays, a lot of pesticides are being used for plants to grow and for their vegetables. What type of precautions should we take while taking food and if in any case, if the food items are spoiled or any fruits are spoiled, in what way we should treat them Swami because some people put this food for animals and some throw them near plants Swamiji. Please throw light on my ignorance Swamiji. Please correct this beggar Sattireddy]

Swami replied:- You can throw the spoiled foods on fields so that they can act as manures after some time after the bacteria present in them die.
