Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 18 Oct 2022


Swami answers the questions by Shri Satthireddy

1. How should one see his or her body Swamiji?

Shri Satthireddy asked: Padanamaskaram Swamiji. i am satthireddy. Swamiji How one should see his or her body Swamiji? For a soul, the fascination towards his or her body is the highest. There are many cases where people won't accept if somebody tell or criticise them that they are ugly or they have a little disability, they won't accept and even go for Plastic surgeries and they are ready to take that pain even though those plastic surgeries ruin this precious human life. please Swamiji correct this beggar satthireddy if any mistakes are there in the questions itself 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

Swami replied: One should not give so much importance to the external physical body, which is just the dress of the soul. Compared to the dress, the internal body is important. Compared to this body, the inner most soul is important. Compared to the soul, God, the Super Soul is most important.

2. How can a soul attain the state of Askalita Brahmachari like Swami Hanuman?

[Swamji, how can a soul become or attain the state of Askalitha Brahma chari like Swami Hanuman?? Every soul is more fascinated towards their opposite genders. Even though it is a biological need of the body. There are many cases when a boy or girl is very fascinated towards the body of their opposite gender, even if the partner tells lies, due to the fascination, he or she is not in a position to analyse if what the partner is saying are lies and if if the partner is going to cheat..Swamiji, please give Your Spiritual medicines and reform us Swamiji?? In one context, it is beautifully told by You Swamiji when You came, took Mohini Avatara who is none other than Lord Vishnu and none other than the incarnation of Lord Datta, while distributing Amrutham to devatas and rakshasas. Then, You clearly told to rakshasas (sorry Swamiji i don't know the story clearly Swamiji) that you are going to cheat them but still due to their fascination towards Your beauty, their minds did not work?? please Swamiji correct this beggar satthireddy if any mistakes are there in the questions itself🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏]

Swami replied: As long as one concentrates on this external world only, all problems are inevitable. In spite of this bad effect, the soul is always interested in this external world only because the soul is made of worldly ideas only. This means that this little world (soul) is always immersed in the external large world. This is a natural tendency of the soul taking place from millions and millions of years. There is nothing to be surprised about a natural tendency. The surprise comes only when this natural tendency becomes weaker and weaker and finally disappears due to the taste of devotion to God. Even angels are also ordinary souls that came out of this worldly mud. But, demons are worst human beings due to excess of ego and jealousy. Cheating is not a sin provided demons are cheated. Cheating of angels is a sin. Hence, cheating by itself is neither good nor bad. Only the application of the concept decides whether an action is merit or sin.

3. What should be my mindset when I eat food in others’ houses?

[Swamiji, when somebody calls me for a function or for a party, Swamiji, they offer me food and many items. By Your grace only, i have time and get interest towards Your Knowledge. Swamiji, when i eat food in their house, they are benefitted Swamiji through punyam which is also given by Swamiji and decided by You Swamiji that after eating and taking rest i will read Spiritual knowledge by the grace. Sometimes they call to their home to get some benefit from me or from my family in future so they offer food. But still they will get punyam as decided by You Swamiji but when i call them to my home, if i feed them with food and help them, i  don't know that even after going back home, they will read Spiritual Knowledge or there may be a chance that they might talk or plan against me. Even if i try to tell them about any Spiritual Knowledge or about You, they may not be in a position to hear Your Knowledge. In that case, am I am getting paapam which is also decided by You Swamiji? How should I behave and how my mindset should be when I eat food in others houses??]

Swami replied: Preaching the true spiritual knowledge to  people with whom you are in touch is a good activity of merit. Don’t bother about the final result, which is in the hands of God only. If you have done your duty, you must be satisfied. You are concerned with the effort only and not with its result. Gita says this (karmaṇyevādhikāraste, mā phaleṣu kadācana).

4. How should I give food and behave with people, who are not interested in any Spiritual Knowledge?

[How and in which manner i should give food and behave with them even though they are not interested in any Spiritual Knowledge and only interested in only worldly talks?? How can one avoid and behave with people who are staying in my house for a long period of time when they not only stay but also disturb the spiritual environment in the house?? please Swamiji, correct this beggar satthireddy if any mistakes are there in the questions itself🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏]

Swami replied: You try to avoid such bad association of friends and relatives in a tactful way so that they are not hurt by your action. If hurting them is inevitable, don’t fear for such an attempt,  because the welfare of this soul is the most important. The welfare of this soul is related to the grace of God and not to the grace of these bloody buggers.
