Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 23 Nov 2022


Swami answers the questions by Smt. Chhanda

1. Is it possible for a person to get Sadguru automatically once the first two phases are destroyed?

[Smt. Chhanda asked: Padanamaskaram Swami, in the explanation of the meaning of Prakruti. Is it possible for a person to get automatically the association of Sadguru once he/she has destroyed the first two phases?]

Swami replied:- Leaving the associations of bad food and bad friends/relatives brings a lot of positive change, which is in our hands. This itself starts working on the inherent nature of the soul. The association with a good spiritual preacher brings a major lot of change in the inherent nature of the soul that is formed by the accumulation of various qualities through several past births. A sincere trial in the first two phases will also impress God to help the soul in need.

2. Why do we become inactive without food, even for a very short time?

[If food is having only 1% influence in the prakruti, then why do we become almost inactive (energy-less) without food even for a very short time?]

Swami replied:- It is not the question of energy, which is very essential for the life. The food influences the qualities of the soul also apart from the basic need of energy that is required essentially for life. From the point of life-energy, food stands as 100% requirement.

3. How will a soul know its own inherent nature?

[How will a soul know the samskara prakruti of itself with the association of the Sadguru? Shall we put any effort in this direction or not? Is it the basic nature then, as the other two phases have only 10% contribution? At Your divine lotus feet Swami, Chhanda]

Swami replied:- The inherent nature (Samskaara prakruti) is very well known to your consciousness at any time because you yourself are the Samskaara Prakruti called as individual soul. The very awareness of yourself exists in the form of various qualities just like your golden wealth exists in the form of various golden jewels. No effort is needed to know yourself and no extra benefit is going to come by knowing yourself. Mad philosophers say that you will become God if you know yourself. Such philosophers must be helped in getting psychological treatment because they also are in search of God only. But, they have become mad due to over ambition and extreme greediness to get one crore of lottery by spending one rupee for the ticket.
