Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 24 May 2024


English »   Malayalam »  

Swami, why is Your spiritual knowledge attracting everybody very much?

[A question by Ms. Thrylokya]

Swami replied:- The first and main point is that this spiritual knowledge is preached by God Datta directly. The second point is that generally, people have a very strong thirst for true spiritual knowledge because everybody is going to meet death and leave this world. The third point is that modern preachers are preaching spiritual knowledge totally concentrated on worldly logic and the efforts of the souls without bringing the emphasis on God.

Imagine a person being very thirsty in a very hot summer season (second point). Everybody is giving salt water of the ocean to this thirsty fellow and by this, his thirst is not at all pacified but, in fact, has increased to its climax (third point). Now, in this situation, God Datta is giving the holy, sweet water of the Ganges to the same thirsty fellow (first point).

The reason for such climax attraction for this knowledge is based on two factors:- i) The merit of the true spiritual knowledge preached by God Datta. ii) The defect of the spiritual knowledge preached by the modern preachers. iii) Both these factors contribute to the climax attraction. Not only the merits of the hero but also the defects of the villain contribute to the attraction to the personality of the hero.

Let Me illustrate this with an example:- People are very much suffering with a lot of misery and mental stress in this Kali age. The modern preachers are always stressing on the human logic and human efforts to escape such horrible stress. They are not finding the actual reason for this misery and stress. The actual reason is the fruit of the sin of the soul. Intensive sins give fruits immediately in this world itself (Atyutkaṭaiḥ pāpa puṇyaiḥ, ihaiva phala maśnute). Hence, the reason for this misery and stress is the intensive sins done by the public, which are more provoked due to the influence of Kali age. Hence, the real remedy is reformation of the soul so that even the pending sins of the soul get cancelled. Realization of the sin done by the soul is the first step (Jnaana Yoga). Repentance for the sin done is the second step (Bhakti Yoga). The third and most important final step is non-repetition of the sin in the rest of the period of life (Karma Yoga). This reformation acts like medicine to remove the misery and mental stress. The fever will subside only with the use of antibiotics (reformation). If you put a wet cloth on the forehead (human logical efforts) of the patient, the fever may come down temporarily, but will not disappear permanently. Hence, the true spiritual knowledge of God Datta alone is the permanent solution for any problem and not the false knowledge of these modern preachers. The real factors of attraction for the spiritual knowledge of God Datta are:- i) It is the absolute truth spoken without any fear for anybody and without attraction to anything given by anybody. ii) The language has very simple, familiar words and the presentation of the knowledge is always very simple so that even a school student can easily understand and assimilate. The knowledge should have true concept like the God gifted natural beauty. In absence of such natural beauty only,  bombarding language and complicated presentation are used, which are like the cosmetics that give artificial temporary beauty. Shankuntala in a cotton saree without any jewel was very beautiful to attract the mind of King Dushyanta. His mind was not much attracted by his queens in silk sarees and heavy golden jewels since their natural beauty was very less!
