Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 29 Jun 2024


What advice shall be given to a person under worldly depression?

[Ms. Thrylokya asked:- Swami, one of my close friends is telling me that she is often attacked by worldly depression. What advice shall be given to her?]

Swami replied:- The involvement in worldly affairs must be minimized as far as possible so that one can escape from worldly depression. If you expose yourself to the cold atmosphere frequently, you will catch running nose, cough, etc. It is necessary to eat food since it gives life energy. But, one shall eat quality food in little quantity as far as possible, which will give good health. Hence, control over the involvement in the world is essential to escape tensions and depression. If one is involved in God’s work to any great extent, it will not give depression. Worldly fascination gives Depression, Dissatisfaction and Misery (DDM). The fascination to God’s work gives Courage, Satisfaction and Happiness (CSH). Whenever DDM attacks, you shall pray God to give CSH. You will certainly get relieved from the ignorance-darkness (DDM) and get knowledge-light (CSH) from God. You must realize that the real aim of human life is not to work like a donkey in worldly matters. The real aim of human life is to fly to God like a White Swan. The Swan (Hamsa) has a special talent to separate milk and water. The devotee reaching the fourth spiritual state (Hamsa) also has a special talent to separate knowledge and ignorance.


There are five spiritual states, which are Kutiicaka (not having fascination to a specific house), Bahuudaka (not having fascination for a specific village or town), Yati (having control in the worldly matters), Hamsa (separating knowledge and ignorance) and Paramahamsa (becoming embodiment of fascination to God). To avoid depression, one shall never remember the negative past and shall not build imaginary castles of the future. The soul shall concentrate on the present time only to work with detachment of mind (in essential limited worldly matters) without aspiring for any fruit in return. In spiritual life, the soul shall work to full extent with full attachment of mind without aspiring for any fruit in return. If you are perfectly detached from the world, you can remember even the past to learn lessons from it. If you are attached to the world and remember the past, you will be drowned in depression. Even if you are attached to God and remember the past divine incidents, you will be drowned in bliss only and not in depression.
