Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 25 Jun 2023


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What are various types of dukkhas?

[Smt. Chhanda asked: What all are various types of dukkhas? Somewhere I read three types of dukkha like Aadhibhoutik, Aadhidaivik and Aadhyatmik dukkha? Are the last two not related to spirituality? At Your divine lotus feet, Chhanda.]

Swami replied:- Spirituality is not related to good fruits and bad fruits because there is no business in this line. Adhidaivika duhkha is due to the anger of God like absence of rains and non-availability of fruitful crops (food) for a region in which you may be living. Aadhyaatmika duhkha is the misery related to your awareness (mind and intelligence). Aadhibhoutika duhkha is related to diseases attacking the external gross body made of five elements (panca bhuutas).
