Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 15 Nov 2022


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What do the energetic incarnations do in the upper worlds?

[Smt. Priyanka & Master Atri asked: Padanamaskaram Swami, My son asked me a question recently. He said, "I was wondering what the energetic incarnations in the upper worlds do because it seems to me that human incarnations do all the work of teaching spiritual knowledge and protecting people, killing demons, etc. I think that the energetic Gods are just relaxing in the upper worlds watching their own incarnations doing everything on Earth. What do the energetic incarnations really do in the upper worlds"?

Since he is only 7 years old, I tried to explain in a simple manner. But I am not sure if I answered him well enough. I told him the following points:

1. There are many souls in the upper worlds who live with God and discuss spiritual knowledge in places like Brahmaloka etc.

2. Some people can do tapas to get a divine vision of God but that lasts for a few seconds/minutes. That will not be sufficient for us to ask our questions and get all doubts cleared. If you want to talk to God for a longer time, then human incarnation is best.

3. Human incarnation is relevant to human beings and energetic incarnation is relevant for souls in energetic bodies. God is one and the same but only the medium is different.

Swami, He seemed to be convinced but can You please correct me if I said anything wrong or missed any points? At Your divine lotus feet, Priyanka & Atri]

Swami replied:- The upper energetic worlds contain two types of energetic beings:- 1) Those who are permanent citizens (minority) and 2) Those who came from earth in energetic bodies after death (majority). Both have ignorance to be removed by the divine knowledge of God. Of course, the first type of souls has lesser ignorance than the second type of souls. All the worlds except the highest Brahma Loka and Goloka are almost similar to our earth. Of course, as we go up, the ignorance decreases gradually. Hence, God is engaged fully in the work of preaching divine knowledge to souls everywhere. God created this creation for entertainment and engagement is the initial stage of entertainment.
