Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 05 Apr 2023


English »   Malayalam »  

What is exactly the difference between God's will and God's grace?

[A question by Ms. Thrylokya]

Swami replied:- God’s will is always logical and justified. The grace of God following the will of God is the real grace of God. We generally force God to show grace on us whether His will exists or not. Demons force God for His grace against His will through rigid penance. They ask God for omnipotence and a boon by which they will live eternally without death. All this counts the wish of the demon to become God. The demon forces God to show grace on Him against the will of God. Since God is forced, He shows His grace and grants the boons desired by the demon. Later on, God shows superintelligence and destroys the demon. In the case of Hanuman, He never did penance for these boons and never desired for such boons even in the dream. God made Hanuman eternal, omnipotent and forced Him to take up the position of God. In the case of Hanuman, God’s will is followed by God’s grace. In the case of demons, neither there was the will of God nor the grace of God. Even though demons attained the grace of God through force, it was not the real will of God and hence, such grace is only artificial grace. If we take our case, we are exactly the same as demons. We perform worship forcing God to fulfill our desires by showing grace. If we are like Hanuman without forcing God to show undue grace, there are fair chances for us to become God like Hanuman.

Jesus showed both these behaviors to setup the concept completely. Just before He was going to be arrested by soldiers, He prayed to God requesting to avoid the crucifixion, if possible. He said that His body was not cooperating. This shows a noble human nature since He said ‘if possible’. However, He immediately got transformed to the level of a climax devotee and said, “Let thy will be done”. This shows the transformation of human nature to divine nature of a true devotee like Hanuman.
