Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 15 Mar 2024


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What is the difference between Hanuman and Radha?

[Maha Shiva Raatri Satsanga on 8th March 2024 at Hyderabad]

[A question by Shri Satthi Reddy]

Swami replied:- Radha became the queen of the 15th upper world called Goloka. Hanuman became the future God, who is the ruler of all the 15 worlds, which include Goloka. Both the results are exactly equal to each other. They are two gold medals. Both Hanuman and Radha are the incarnations of God Shiva. Radha showed sweet devotion to God being a female having such a special fascination for God. Hanuman is male and served God as the most beloved servant. Service is done by the body. The dedication of the body is equal to the service done by the body. Hence, the two ways are suggested by God :- i) Karma Samnyaasa, which is the sacrifice of work done by the body and sacrifice of the fruit of the work. A householder must do the sacrifice of both work and fruit of work. A saint can do only sacrifice of work. ii) Karma Phala Tyaaga, the sacrifice of the body to God in sweet devotion. Here, Karma Phala means the body, which is attained as a result of good and bad fruits to be enjoyed in this world. Both paths can also be followed by walking with the two feet placed on these two parallel ways. Both these two paths are exactly equal and one can reach God by any path like Hanuman and Radha. One shall not think that one path is only the highest. These two are alternative parallel paths to the same goal. Hanuman represents Karma Samnyaasa and Radha represents Karma Phala Tyaaga. Regarding the first path, a prostitute simply sacrificing her body cannot be successful because she is greedy in not sacrificing the fruit of work. All Gopikas passed in the test of Daareshanaa (bond with spouse) by dedicating their bodies to God Krishna. Most of them failed in sacrificing their fruit of work (butter) and did not go to Goloka. If one passes in the test of sacrifice of fruit of work crossing the bond of children, this is sufficient to get salvation because this joint bond (with money and children) is the strongest worldly bond. The bond with spouse is the weakest bond since the facility of divorce exists in this bond only and not in any other bond.

When the Gopikas passed in this spouse-bond test only, no trace of salvation was given to them by God. Since all passed in this weakest test, only the pass in the first joint test brought eligibility to go to Goloka. God knows that the bond with spouse is the weakest and would not have conducted this test. But, He conducted this test because these sages (Gopikas) requested God (Rama) for this test and God promised them that He will conduct this test. Therefore, this test was conducted by God since the candidates (Gopikas) requested God for this test. This is a different interpretation for Karma Samnyaasa and Karma Phala Tyaaga so that no male and no female should worry about sweet devotion for the sake of salvation. Salvation can be obtained even without sweet devotion. Case of Radha, Miira, Gopikas, etc., are very rare and special examples since they themselves liked such bond. Since Hanuman got salvation even without sweet devotion, this sweet devotion has no importance from the side of God. In the second path, work (karma) and its fruit (phala) are interconvertible and equal. Work is energy and the fruit is matter. Hence, the word ‘Karma Samnyaasa’ can also mean not only sacrifice of service-work but also sacrifice of fruit. It is also very important to note that both these incarnations of God Shiva caught their contemporary human incarnations only (God Rama and God Krishna). It is said that God Shiva always repeats the name of God Rama, who is the human incarnation. It is most unfortunate that human souls do not believe the contemporary human incarnation even though God Shiva praised the human incarnation (Śrī Rāma Rāma Rāmeti…). Since both Hanuman and Radha are incarnations of God Shiva, it is very good to know their paths, in which both acted as devoted souls and this is a fortune for us to know both sides of God Shiva on this Shiva Ratri festival.
