Shri Datta Swami

 04 Sep 2024


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What is the meaning of 'It is woman and gold that keeps one away from seeing God.'?

[Shri Anil Antony asked: 'Woman and gold' is the cause of bondage. 'Woman and gold' alone constitutes samsara, the world. It is 'woman and gold' that keeps one away from seeing God.]

Swami replied:- Gold means money (dhaneshanaa). Woman means spouse (daareshanaa). Once spouse exists, there is every possibility of getting children (putreshanaa). These three are the strongest worldly bonds that bind the soul to the world. Due to this, the soul does not have interest in God. Even if the soul develops interest, there will be no time to put efforts towards God because the fascination to spouse and children makes the soul to be always busy physically as well as mentally in earning money. In this way, such a soul is always far from God throughout its life. The soul does not concentrate on God at least in its old age since the soul is always worried about the family and other worldly things required for its grandchildren, etc. Since the soul is soaked in the worldly pickle jar throughout the life, the salty sour ideas (sinful worldly desires) alone come to the mind even before death. The mango piece (soul) soaked in the pickle jar (sinful worldly desires) cannot get the sweet taste of sugar (devotion to God) at any time!

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